Frage von popaj:Hi,
I noticed in recent shots, but I wind noise
on it, but I hear really hard to wind was.
How can that be? Something wrong with the Micro does not?
Use a Pan.GS500 with external microphone.
Thank you.
Antwort von TobiasD:
Even with little wind there may be wind noise. Long before you hear the wind whistle.
Antwort von soan:
About one out of every micro least one foam pad, a softie with better skin, a wind Optimal Basket with fur. Already overwhelmed with "make" Wind is actually a normal foam protection.
If you can micro your are using unprotected (!!!) even the small wind puffs of a person to wind noise result in interviews. No kidding.
So: Never Without! ;-)
Antwort von stefangs:
This is true enough. without wind protection should not micro at all in the outdoors, ah not a windchill wind.