Frage von Guest:
When I look at the latest rugby games down load, I can not see them with media player classic or something different because I come to the errors: VGA 16 color Dither:: XForm Out
Please what can I do now?
Who knows anything please tell would be a great help =)
Antwort von Stefan:

MP4 files encoded with H.264? Have you perhaps have an old version of dicas mpegable DS codecs installed that can handle it yet? 3Ft% 3D294% 26sid% 3D5d4ba37053a30b04a93f0d430c2983f8 VGA + +16 + color + Dither:: XForm + Out + & hl = en & ie = UTF-8
Have you ever tried to play the videos with Quicktime 7?
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Markus:

each questioner, which needs to be published here concern to help. From this perspective the headline "Need urgent help!" certainly not as meaningful. I renamed it accordingly. ;-)
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Antwort von Guest:

thank you ........ I ma now sucking quicktime 7 and it works ......=)