Frage von Tom02:
Dear experts,
I stand in front of a puzzle with my WMP 11th Usually you can resume playback of a video quality change, such as color saturation, contrast, brightness, etc. When WMP 11 gives it to the so-called video settings, the controls offer.
For me this work to control Verrecken's not. I can see the slider to the left and right, but then they immediately jump back into the starting position back. Why is dasß
Some details of the system: Vista Home Premium, the latest Catalyst drivers.
It would be nice if you could help me there. Thanks already
Antwort von Digitalimager:

The Catalyst takes control levers and its functions from Windows.
Trying times on the desktop, a 2nd Monitor or a TV via Windows itself expand the Catalyst white to prevent this.
I think that's totally okay so the ATI handles, so can the Catalyst tools the system to optimum values.
Windows made with foreign drivers eh just nonsense and does not know optimal apply.
You have to be so into the Control Panel then go to the color to change.
Antwort von Tom02:

Oh it is, thank you for your note.
But why then the work with another video player, such as KMPlayer or VLC? The need is then synonymous experienced by Catalyst, or I overlooked something?