Frage von Daggoth:
Recently, I have a strange problem with the Windows Movie Maker.
When I try any video effects applied to a video, the video instead, only gray.
It almost looks like the topography of Photoshop filters. So almost entirely gray with only a few recognizable silhouette.
The problem occurs both with version 2.1 as synonymous with version 2.0 on.
I have tried various synonymous codec packs to install.
Has anyone ideas what's wrong?
Thank you ...
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Possibly a problem with DirectX? The latest version is used? Latest graphics drivers?
I have tried various synonymous codec packs to install. is almost unanimously warned.
This system can be so foul that only a reinstall fixes the botch. Otherwise überleg times when you last WMM into an efficient condition and what had s.Software then maybe it has come. I had an older times Image and had tried the day after long junk adulterated with colors, etc. Since only half painstaking restore the old state.