Frage von Roy O ' Bannon:
Dear Friends,
I sit now for some time s.Programm of Windows and would like love to my hand-recordings which partially synonymous fairly long time in this program cut and edit.
Only the following problems occur again and again for me on what I am slowly but surely driven to desperation. If I am a rather large video (as p.10 MB) in the window or down load in the processing area, the program depends on auto. Once I download a video synonymous only rudimentary process itself will depend on the complete program and you can no longer make.
Another problem is when I managed to time it should have a video editing and I want it down to the Storyboard view to me then I have a few seconds, the Picture of the video and it suddenly disappears. What I mean when I play the video to work the first few seconds of video and then it will be black on the screen. I just do not understand a thing!
This program is driving me crazy really! Unfortunately I could in the other reports here about the program does not match with my problem. I hope you can help me! Thank you:)
Greeting Roy
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes, sure, I can help you!
Movie Maker to throw out the window, investing about 100 mice and what you buy right: Adobe Premiere Elements.
So, now you were helped!
Antwort von shipoffools:
If I am a rather large video (as p.10 MB) in the window to invite ... He was really good! * lol *
Ne, in the worst times, the Movie Maker is NOT to be used.
Take Debonnaires Council, and buy you some video-editing program. Do not necessarily Adobe Premiere Elements, so you're probably overwhelmed. But EVERYTHING else is better than this Microsoft crap. Here on the Slashcam Page synonymous, there's some useful freeware programs for download., com_bookmarks / Itemid, 5/mode, 0/catid, 11/navstart, 0/search, * /
Give it maybe ersmal with one of those.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I'm sure he really meant 10
G B has! (Not that this is a particularly "great" video file would, but we leave it ...)
But, like so many, is the thread starter probably the same, and it is the difference between MB and GB and how this is so with the (likely!) File sizes in the video world behaves, unaware ...
Antwort von JMS Productions:
... But, like so many, is the thread starter probably the same, and it is the difference between MB and GB and how this is so with the (likely!) File sizes in the video world behaves, unaware ... And what if he just has incorrectly? In today's troubled times of Hektig sowas can often happen. I would jump with the insinuations careful. The background from which this (typing error?) Is incurred, this is unfortunately not clear and may therefore we must not jump to conclusions, because as soon someone insulted by false insinuations ...
Movie Maker to throw out the window, investing about 100 mice and what you buy right: Adobe Premiere Elements. Or what I'm still very synonymous weiterempfehlen can (especially just for beginners) is MAGIX Video deluxe. By then I had begun and was or am still very satisfied. Ideally suited for beginners ;-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:
And what if he just has incorrectly? In today's troubled times of Hektig sowas can often happen. Well, if the proper care of when writing articles to publish applies even what should be much larger if the first question, then this would correspond to a "typing error" one would notice and correct it. Ergo: understanding gap.
On the other: When I do so look what sloppy for many here even in the title of your thread fabricate and let stand, then your theory may be plausible again.
At the same time I slovenliness HASSE! I read my writing, therefore, always scrupulously through, so that hardly ever what Unintentional creeps! ;-)
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Well, if the proper care of when writing articles to publish applies even what should be much larger if the first question, then this would correspond to a "typing error" one would notice and correct it. Ergo: understanding gap. OK, this theory does not sound balance ;-)
I read my writing, therefore, always scrupulously through, so that hardly ever what Unintentional creeps! ;-) It is also recommended, but there is the "Preview function", which I always use ^ ^
Antwort von Isekram:

As I said, here in this forum are the only people wanted it all you can.
Questioners are undesirable!
It was because the question revolves around vanity or dispute Bares.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
As I said, here in this forum are the only people wanted it all you can.
.... No, probably not the only people stupid babbeln!
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Gude Roy
So the Council did with another progi trying times is not wrong.
But to you to present your problem to help, we need some info.
With a camera for what the videos were filmed?
What kind of PC you use with partitions and how much memory?
How does the movie maker with other files, then there is the same Probs?
What service pack / codec pack was installed?
It is so that there are different video format which is of some very well processed, and others in turn must first be converted to some systems to be able to be processed.
The Movie Maker is under some circumstances to use, just Schei ** e is not synonymous. Have Known its relatively good things for your needs.
Alla so long
B. DeKid
Antwort von JMS Productions:
As I said, here in this forum are the only people wanted it all you can.
No, probably not the only people stupid babbeln!
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Gude Roy
So the Council did with another progi trying times is not wrong.
But to you to present your problem to help, we need some info.
With a camera for what the videos were filmed?
What kind of PC you use with partitions and how much memory?
How does the movie maker with other files, then there is the same Probs?
What service pack / codec pack was installed?
It is so that there are different video format which is of some very well processed, and others in turn must first be converted to some systems to be able to be processed.
The Movie Maker is under some circumstances to use, just Schei ** e is not synonymous. Have Known its relatively good things for your needs.
Alla so long
B. DeKid OffTopic:
B. DeKid me is the only way now that you have really a very individual, distinct type to write your posts :-)
After each sentence is a paragraph and these points ... Is now no way negatively, I just now noticed, after I synonymous others have viewed your posts ^ ^ Why? Just on a whim?
Antwort von Roy O ' Bannon:

Hi folks,
So even a big thanks for all tips and advice. For your information, I have no typing mistake when I wrote that the program when editing a large 10-20 megabyte video file collapses and I still do not know why this is.
I make recordings with a Traveler DC-8300 "with 8.1 Megapixels and am very happy with it.
Once again the description of my problem when I click on "Import Video" button, I can sometimes without any problems (mostly) an arbitrarily large video file. Most of my projects will fail if I am the video in the storyboard will move. Here the first problems occur. Either it works or the program hangs on. Well, it works if I click on "Play" and see the video as synonymous is desired. Now arises the next problem, the video runs only a few seconds with sound and suddenly the middle one sees nothing and hears only the sound.
I personally believe that everything would be no problem if the program files of the video "clips" would.
Every time I of a video "clips" will not work, because my ultimate goal is the data-rich video file to be split by "smaller bites" for the PC to make. It is then not synonymous!
Thanks for your time ;-) Tips
Greeting Roy
Antwort von Bespi:
Hi folks,
I make recordings with a Traveler DC-8300 "with 8.1 Megapixels and am very happy with it.
Thanks for your time ;-) Tips
Greeting Roy Shooting with 8.1 megapixels? That I want to always synonymous ;-)
Just for info: According to manual you have films with 0.0768 megapixel (320 x 240).
Antwort von shipoffools:

Hi Roy,
According to manual of your camera, be as AVI files in a Resolutionvon 320 x 240 recorded. That explains why your files synonymous' so small 'are above and why I had to smile first and why the discussion about a possible spelling mistake of thee is kindled. With DV (720 x 576) or HDV clips (1440 x 1080 or 1920 x 1080)
per minute, you need around 200 MB of space on the hard drive.
For Movie Maker itself, I can give you no tips, because I use the program for the first time have tried, as I have long been with other video editing programs have cut. Since I was able to quickly determine that the program is not much good, and when you first with a halfway reasonable editing program before you, you will probably recognize synonymous. The fact that you now of course "hot" to you as quickly as possible to edit your videos is understandable, so that's all. But believe me (us): The Movie Maker, you will not be happy, this is really a waste of time. This time you could be useful in the incorporation into a program, which is synonymous with real problems and can be cut to produce satisfactory results (synonymous terms of output quality is concerned ...) comes. Take the time to invite a couple of freeware programs downloaded Slashcam (eighth in the fact that they can handle AVI and under your Windows system) and try something with it. If you still can wait until tomorrow, then look in any electrical or computer shop around, because we actually always gets any older versions of software Beginners video editing programs - for example, Magix, Ulead (now Corel runs) or several other companies - for a few euros (around 15-20 euros). If you have a little more money left over and you really do want to learn (and Video Editing ... does much training time and many setbacks, until it runs right times), then you can have between about 60 and 100 euros and have better current software purchase, eg: Edius Neo, Adobe Premiere Elements 7, Sony Movie Studio Platinum 9 (just to name a few), which is worth only synonymous but then really, when you come into a
proper video camera invest.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Look at my first time contributions.
As you had told me "the sow can not read."
So I did me the paragraph and with score s.zu separate species habit.
Hope this does not bother you.
Denk but you can read quite well now, right?
B. DeKid
PS: Yeah, but I thought that this is not "real" videos ;-)
Antwort von JMS Productions:

Hope this does not bother you.
Denk but you can read quite well now, right? No, I am quite disturbed and did not, was just a question.
Yes, it can be well-read and understand ;-)