Frage von Fridu:Hello together
Be simply synonymous to
and various contributors here is not wise now what is better for a film to be released on DVD. What is required is 1080x1920 and since I made the SonyPMW-EX1 at 1080/25p or 1080/50i for Choice. Kann mir mal ein Profi say under what circumstances it is 25p and 50i when the Rotate would use already.
You can then safely convert just yet in the processing, but my concern is about the best times recorded in the source format to have.
Thank you for a brief greeting and tip of
Antwort von deti:
It is clear from your question is not clear whether a DVD as a video or a DVD disk to be created. In the first case, the shooting in 1920x1080 rather pointless. I therefore believe that the principal as a DVD disk for HD content in MPEG2 or H.264-AVC would like to receive.
If you for Öffis (for example, when you SF SRG) producing, it would make sense 720p50. Generally, this format s.geschmeidigsten, because it easily 1080p25 or I50 can do. The upscaling is not really on. In addition you can fine very slow from the 50 frames do.
If you do not arrive and when it is absolutely must have in 1080, then I would rotate in 50i, 25p because at fast movements / pans already very much on a normal Television / Beamer jerky. However, if a real movie ausbelichtet be 25p could make sense (; then to 24p in the movies with sound slightly slower).
Antwort von Fridu:
Hi Deti
It is clear from your question is not clear whether a DVD as a video or a DVD disk to be created. In the first case, the shooting in 1920x1080 rather pointless. I therefore believe that the principal as a DVD disk for HD content in MPEG2 or H.264-AVC get möchte.Deti No, it is effective so that a video DVD to be produced in 1920x1080 on the can watch TV in high quality, ie HD. Would synonymous because 720p50 and then simply rotate after processing at 1080 hochskaliert issue?
Greeting of Fridu
Antwort von newsart:
A video DVD is PAL, so the SD resolution. For HD you need to create a Blue-ray disc production.
Antwort von deti:
It could be a BD mastering and burn to DVD, provided the content is not 4.7 or ~ 9GB (; DL-DVD) or more. To play would be so many blue-ray player is about to speak - but in no case a conventional DVD player.
At this point I would again consult with the clients.
Tip: If you want your movie, for example, in producing 720p50, then H.264 with approximately 15Mbit / s kodierst and as MP4-File ausgibst then you get to a single layer DVD (; 4.7 GB) at least 40 minutes in HD resolution on it. Alternatively, a USB stick to the film to the customer over. To play then suck in every case, or rather notebooks such as Media Player or similar WDTV
Antwort von frm:
I work synonymous with the Ex1 and have the following workflow.
If there is a DVD to:
Recording HQ 1080/50i
Full HD editing,
Bluray DVD Master in Encore draw
Budgeing bit (so that the ideals of the disc size advantage)
560: X = time
X = 560: time (min)
560 = fixed value
X = bitrate
Video duration = time in min
Transcode setting value as calculated on 4MBit
When the issue but not Bluray DVD and export.
That is the statement as I do with Adobe.
50i I use for DVDs.
25 P, I just for movies and the Internet.