Frage von Knispel:
I have some videos of my MiniDV camcorder to play on the calculator.
Now I wanted to see these with Virtualdub trim. A file is 399MB in size and has approximately 1:50 minutes.
Now I would like to make two clips.
This will, however, about 1-1,6 GB in size. That would be not so bad, because I would like to compress later anyway. But what really bothers:
The videos are stored as AVI bucking pretty. It is simply not as fluid as the original. How can that be? Both are with 25fps.
Have herumprobiert, no success. Oh, if it is of concern:
My Hardware - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, 2 GB RAM, disk Samsung 400 GB SATA RAID1.
Antwort von Knispel:

So, I have again compatriots. Have tried deinterlacing - it looked a little better, but not much better.
You see it especially in movements, for example, if someone moves his hand or running. What can I do? Purely subjective, the original video again almost too quickly, but the saved videos again too slow.
Antwort von Markus:
The videos are stored as AVI bucking pretty. The next is not surprising. Unless otherwise indicated, VD stores the uncompressed videos - which just a few computer performance liquid play it.
Antwort von Knispel:

Well, I have it stored compressed synonymous. It is still slightly jerky. Why is that? Enough perhaps for Youtube, but not for the "home use".
Antwort von Darth Twoface:

Just make next locker, someday work already ...
Antwort von b.wildcat:

This is something I unfortunately do not help.
Antwort von Markus:
... I have it stored compressed synonymous. It is still slightly jerky. Were the videos to display s.PC Monitor deinterlaces undergone a? If yes, were from 50 fields (= cash flow): 25 frames (= less liquid motion).
Deinterlaces - or rather not?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

If you just cut with Vdub only want to use the menu items: Video -> Direct stream copy and Audio -> Direct Strém copy, then save it with F7. The resulting Avis are then codecseitig (and thus synonymous qualitatively) as the starting material.
Once you use the filter, etc., but is no longer and you should enter a suitable codec to select. Which it is depends on what you aspire as an end product, ie whether, for example, the grandmother to your movie via the player should watch TV, you publish it in the network want, etc.
If the output then jerky, it can have several causes:
for example, if the hard drive in PIO mode and then you work with uncompressed test data (but thank you for RAID1 excluded), the codec used was wrong, etc.;
Deinterlaces expected for a dual core system at (the desired) result in any visible changes, but not for stuttering during playback.
The most likely seems to me to be the cause of the error path File-> screen, that somewhere something is not true.
To verify this, there are several possibilities: the simplest would be to file times with VCL ( play, this player brings his own play with routines and works regardless of the extent Windowsabspielsytem. Is there some lies s.Deinem (Windows-) DirectShow / codec system.
In addition, it would be useful for times when you could accurately describe,
what settings / codecs Dub your own attempts have used or where the (codec-) journey actually go ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von clicki:

Just try it with VLC to play, has at times helped me