Frage von HansMaulwurf:
Hi fellows,
I am one of many grateful users of Wolfgang's presets for the XH-A1.
Now, I am using for some time been making a DOF adapter with moving screen. The "Endlook" I create with AE.
Now to my request for assessments: Are the presets synonymous suited for a screen with "perfect neutrality" abzufilmen, or should one or the other parameters be changed?
Sure, you could say that if you are satisfied with the results so far then it `s fit, but the eye is accustomed to well known s.vieles.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von stefanph:

hey! how are you doing this in ae? synonymous, the film look without this suite of red giant software?
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Sure it `s non-synonymous, with the Look Suite is` s only stop faster because presets ready.
If, as always, depends on how your footage so far and looks like the final product should look like.
Standard I:
- More contrast
- Less saturation
- Less highs and lows in the colors
- More in the middle of the colors
- Approximately s-shaped gamma curve
Can anything but synonymous in FC or Premiere do.
None NEN tip of my initial question?
Antwort von Axel:
Sure it `s non-synonymous, with the Look Suite is` s only stop faster because presets ready.
If, as always, depends on how your footage so far and looks like the final product should look like.
Standard I:
- More contrast
- Less saturation
- Less highs and lows in the colors
- More in the middle of the colors
- Approximately s-shaped gamma curve
Can anything but synonymous in FC or Premiere do.
None NEN tip of my initial question? You have me at first brought the idea to their own presets for the DOF to do. I guess they would in normal circumstances about the effect as your post. Of course it may be more synonymous, at least COLD and WARM, with the correct preset you need then perhaps little color correction. Without extensive tests with many gradual changes in parameters - as they so synonymous Wolfgang has done - but the botch-up. Whether as an increase in the contrast for the preset is useful, I doubt that would be probably better to be made. Make it a preset attachment, if you're happy, and I am synonymous.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

@ Axel
Can we make it. Synonymous, I think that the contrast is better in the post-optimized. What you could test times would be a game with the sharpness, which if I remember correctly, when Wolfgang Standardpresets are easily runtergeschraubt. Although the course could cause the blurred intentionally fuzzy backdrop unwanted artificial contours gets ...
Films you with nem nem DIY or bought?
Antwort von Axel:
What you could test times would be a game with the sharpness, which if I remember correctly, when Wolfgang Standardpresets are easily runtergeschraubt. Although the course could cause the blurred intentionally fuzzy backdrop unwanted artificial contours gets ... Artificially keyword: Each digital functions such as sharpness of the
sharp points from Photoshop filter, respectively,
Unsharp Mask. It is an artificial contours amplification (Kantenaufsteilung, a trick that seemingly cheap camcorder sharp pictures make it), and I turn sharpness
all over the digital out. Quite s.Schluss when all other processing steps are done, you can sharpen, just like in Photoshop. I think it is important to get good colors and otherwise to remain neutral. But we should just take a day in the field test.
Films you with nem nem DIY or bought? I have two self-tests behind me (1 x CD-Dummy frosted screen with CD drive, 1 x standing still Mattscheibe from candle wax between two glass slide), then I came across
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

With the artificial sharpness you quite naturally. It is of course what s.Ende comes out at the rear. - That I synonymous number 3 in the DSF-pun Checkout ...
I first NEN wooden prototype with a rotating, handgehschliffenen CD-dummy and a simple magnifying lens built. Could determine that the principle works well and then did the part from aluminum built again. A few weeks ago I broke my then NEN Achromats from India dazugeholt and integrated. While outwardly "rustic charm", but with the pictures I'm the exception of part-CA-occurring very satisfied. No vignetting, eig no grain, excellent sharpness.
Yes, the picture with the shot nerves already. When standing still camera but I've usually the Macbook dranhängen and hab ne proper control.
The wax version I tried, incidentally synonymous times, but I failed miserably to get evenly added.
On weekends I do synonymous times s.die tests Bzgl presets. Experience with A1 + adapter please post here ...
Antwort von Axel:
... with the pictures I'm the exception of part-CA-occurring very satisfied. I've noticed that especially in the backlight is, I will still refrain not backlight. The A1 will be so inclined, but I noticed that the adapter will contribute much.
Yes, the picture with the shot nerves already. When standing still camera but I've usually the Macbook dranhängen and hab ne proper control. I synonymous. That's I've purchased. I capture and monitor directly behind, because as
HD Monitor Magic (demo version), with at least one MB, looks no different than the recording Preview of Final Cut Pro (= delayed and smeared with movements). How are you doing there?
The wax version I tried, incidentally synonymous times, but I failed miserably to get evenly added. Exactly! When the hot wax was really long, it becomes very clear. If the glasses are also hot (lie on a aluminum section), while the wax is applied, there are fewer bubbles, and what the tests are more. The best glass was simply a mild course, but
no grain!
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

The problem with the CA, which in the natural lens of the A1 minimally exists, unfortunately, stop by 7-8 times of extreme Achromats. Clearly it is better than with a simple macro lens, but if in an instance of the worm in it ...
Backlight so good I let it go to stay.
I check the Picture with OnLocation. Below optimum, but in motion synonymous to a good seconds.
Again to the offer for your DOF adapter. Pretty bold attack because I would have classified as rather frivolous. Or are you from Munich synonymous and have the part picked up in person?
Antwort von Axel:
I check the Picture with OnLocation. Is not Adobe's only exclusively for Windows?
As the seller, "taiwee" is concerned, he is trustworthy. He often times equipment at Slashcam On. I had only a single annoyance with second-hand purchase, and that was on ebay a few years ago. But you are right, in case of doubt, you should pick up even more expensive stuff.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Well Intel and Boot Camp Thank aufm Mac Windows is no longer a problem. 'm A Windows child abuse but FC. Thus `s agree.