Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Workshops at the Digital Cutting Fair 2007 of free online thomas - 21 Feb 2008 10:10:00 2000 visitors over the past one digital editing Fair, in the cities of Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Vienna stopped. To all who are interested now in the papers and workshops available to make these with a total length of four hours s.die now as a free web videos to be considered. In addition to the Adobe CS3 video products including Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Ultra, Onlocation, Soundbooth, Flash and Encore are synonymous and supplementary programs, the issue Blu-ray in the center of the talks. Through lectures leads Sven Brencher, known also as the author of numerous Lernkurs DVDs.
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Antwort von jazzy_d:

Weiss someone and if so whether you like Vista with such presentations (zoom in Soundbooth, After Effects and Encore on the Mac) can do?
Ev. with an additional special tools?
Sieht ja echt geil aus :-)