Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: World Premiere: F4 concert live broadcast in 3D
Antwort von Axel:

The fact that a
concert in 3D is live, may be new. The technology provider for the film is certainly the same as for the World Cup in 3D, and synonymous s.den technical equipment was not changed anything. I trust therefore assume that it also is a side-by-side-3D, that is 1080i, with one field each for left and right. Since there are already 3D-concert
recordings, Novum is probably above all that the show probably specifically designed for 3D and was practiced here. What can go wrong yet? Everything. For something like Murphy's law applies. At the Movies-Page: A cable may not notice a wobbler at the rehearsal, a hurricane adjust the satellite dish, etc.
Previously, the signal is captured (complex technology with the participation of people) and distributed (ditto). Sensitive.