Newsmeldung von slashCAM: XBOX 360 HD-DVD-L for PC hacked aufwerk of rudi - 14 Nov 2006 09:46:00
Currently you can-if ever-single HD-DVD or BluRay drives only at prices over $ 500 purchase. Since it sounds tempting, when manufacturer like Sony or Microsoft its hardware at subsidized prices competence in order to boost sales of your video. However Manufacturer protect their products generally synonymous well against "abnormal use". It looks like the new HD-DVD drive for XBOX 360, but not very well protected. For hackers, it is now managed by a young driver and the drive WinDVD8 than HD-DVD player s.einem PC. So you today for just $ 199 to benefit from a high resolution video player. Small curio s.Rande: On the Mac running the drive without any software modification.
Antwort von mw:

What does the hacked?
It lacks only the UDF driver for the UDF file system on HDDVD.
Sogesehen, there is simply nothing to protect ...
Good so!
Antwort von Alpinist:

More 'Features' to discover entsprich synonymous not with a hack. A hack would be if a new (hacked) firmware, would the drive to PC / Mac compatible to make ...
The compatibility is not possible from the viewpoint of Microsoft pretty stupid because it is one of the driving forces behind the standard of the HD-DVD and so is Blue-Ray to an extreme advantage has acquired ...
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

You see so what have become;)