Frage von curtis:Good day.
I have a small problem.
I have beautiful material of a great camera, the SonyPDW 700th It is the latest descendant of the SonyHD market glut of XD Cam family.
The discs are a long way and Her meanwhile transferred to disk with the help of Sony Vegas. With the in-house tool worked PDZ1 not.
Now we would like to cut all synonymous.
Avid, all platforms: Not available
Final Cut: ditto
Sony Vegas: ditto
According to information of Sony Should it still go with Canopus in the broadcast version 4.6. But they have been synonymous tells me that the editing with Final Cut leaves. Then use the MPEG Pro HD plug of MainConcept in conjunction with Adobe Premiere.
Somebody in Tirol?
Or put differently: An idea which tools help with the whole thing, I can simply convert it to get into the Avid?
For help thanks in advance!
Antwort von der_kleine_techniker:
Look at times ask the MainConcept !" MPEG PRO HD !" to. Or issue with Premiere colleagues whether he smartcoden your material, then allow for AVID.
If not, then buy premiere, which can then be synonymous DVC PRO HD
Antwort von Bernd E.:
SonyPDW 700th ... .. cut ... Avid, all platforms: Not possible ... Final Cut: ditto ... Hello Phil,
at Avid, I must fit, but for Final Cut Pro, you could continue this thread help:
Of course, I have no experience with the PDW-700, but she is good times piece for a few days you can spare, can the change ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:
XDCAM HD 4:2:2 is with Final Cut Pro intersect. Anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea.
Antwort von curtis:
XDCAM HD 4:2:2 is with Final Cut Pro intersect. Anyone who tells you otherwise has no idea. As long as the material is still not on the plate and with others, Tool has been imported - yes. How clever we are now, fortunately, has become synonymous.
Antwort von xandix:
in AVID (Media Composer) works XDCAMHD 422 s.Version 3.0 (since about 3 weeks available).
Obs wenns is synonymous to hard drive is I do not know.
You write "to disk plays on with the help of Sony Vegas".
What makes Vegas draus?
What is now the files (file extension)?
On the Professional Disc is the camera of a folder structure is preserved?
If not, it will be in AVID is not likely to go, then you will probably need the original discs ....
Antwort von curtis:
The folder structure, metadata and proxies are 1:1 preserved. MXF files, it was after the import.
The Media Composer 3.0 can XD Cam HD 4:2:2 but definitely not to be processed. Unless there is already an update available, which would then be passed s.mir.
Antwort von xandix:
"Media Composer 3.0 can XD Cam HD 4:2:2 but definitely not process"
Who said that?
I have seen demo of AVID (AVID of itself), there has an avid promoter said that it is not officially said, but it works and has given me synonymous film clips of the PDW 700 in the software shown .....
Antwort von curtis:
The 1 with the PDZ imported discs, the Media Composer not. The PDW 700 to import it also does not recognize. It may well be that there is a detour on the one with the material 3.0er can edit. I do not know him and to support request to get nothing at Avid synonymous. (What's not surprising that could still next to the overpriced Mojo gandenlos a "XD Cam HD 4:2:2 - Import - Mojo" out a - for the price of just sling 5999, - ¬ ;-)
So now because - how do I get the material because in the Media Composer?
Besten Gruß
Antwort von DV_Chris:
Simply enter the fully functional 30-day version of Canopus Edius V4.6 at / TGV download. The following format so that you can simultaneously process:
This trial version includes complete support of all native HDV formats, including Sony1080i Canon JVC 1080p and 720p, s.well for Thomson Grass Valley Infinity JPEG 2000, Panasonic DVC PRO 50, DVC PRO HD, P2, AVC-Intra, and SonyXDCAM and XDCAM EX.
Antwort von robbie:
and may be synonymous XDCAM HD 422?
Otherwise would recommend the material again via HDSDI yourself ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
Of course not synonymous ... Had me wondering. XDCAM HD HD XDCM unequally 422nd
Antwort von DV_Chris:
Of course, Edius BROADCAST synonymous XDCAM HD. In the demo, I am not 100% sure. Here is a PDF workflow:
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Of course, Edius BROADCAST synonymous XDCAM HD ... Already clear, but this format is not here, but "XDCAM HD 422" with a higher data rate. Which is of the PDF you linked, but no speech.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von PowerMac:
If one has no idea ...
Antwort von DV_Chris:
.. is it just personal. Pure character thing :-)
Antwort von DV_Chris:
Here is a link to a test of the camera, which is synonymous describes exactly how to use the material with 50Mbit Edius Broadcast V4.6x edited:
I did not use this software instead I chose to ingest the files from the PDW-700 via my NLE system - Grass Valley Edius Broadcast. V4.6 supports the new 50 Mbps format and also the new EX1 XDCAM HD format. I chose to connect via the network connection option. First I went into the camera menu and changed the IP address into the numeric range I knew my Netgear routers DHCP server would accept. After switching the camera off and back on again and after connecting a CAT 5 cable, connecting via Edius - it worked first time. Within seconds of the disc spinning up, clip thumbnail all the images came up on the screen. Within Edius, I chose to download both files and Proxy Hi-Res files. After selecting the clips I wanted (Ctrl + A for all of them) and clicking "Register to Bin", all the clips appeared in my Edius project bin, which I then Dragged to the timeline and could start editing. The clever thing is that the low res proxy clips transfer files as quickly and you can start editing immediately whilst the Hi-Res files download in the background. The moment each Hi-Res file is downloaded 100%, the clip timeline automatically updates and displays s.full resolution with 4 channel audio. The clips in the bin and timeline display with a "P" symbol when they are breastfeeding proxies and a red "H" with progress indicator marks the current clip which is being downloaded in Hi-Res. Clips which are already downloaded s.full resolution are displayed with the "P" symbol. I found in practice that I could start working immediately and scrubbing with the full resolution clips already downloaded s.the beginning of the timeline. I could work my way along the timeline with the clips further up the timeline downloading away in the background before I got to them - unless I went s.great speed and caught up with the proxy files. I found transfer times to be around half in real time, therefore s.hour of footage took around 30 minutes to ingest. The only issue with editing in native XDCAM HD, the case with all long GOP codecs is the hit that has the extra processing on the computer CPU decompressing the GOP sequence individually editable into frames, which has a knock on effect to the real time performance of CPU-based filters and effects. Edius solves this issue by offering the facility to convert the XDCAM HD clips in the project bin to their own frame-based codec HD - Canopus HQ. Compatibility with NLE systems is something that will need to be checked. At the moment, Edius is one of few editing packages that currently support the 50 Mbps XDCAM HD format.
Antwort von DV_Chris:
Info from the U.S. Support:
It does s.of 4.61 I believe. Export will not
be until the next version, though.
Antwort von DV_Chris:
Curtis, how did you solved your problem now?