Frage von Korbi:
Love Slashcam,
Once again, I'd really appreciate your help and your great tips:
I'd like to import XDCAM EX footage in Final Cut Pro 3. The necessary plug-in, Sony has already been installed. In the Import dialog will appear again and again, unfortunately the error message: "The clip thumbnail could not be saved to the cache s.unrecognised what format."
We have found in various forums for a few snippets, which suggest that under Snow Leopard here problems arise. Has anyone had similar experiences and a tip on how to work around this problem? Alternatively synonymous premiere was available, the material would only be happy at some point in ProRes and have to edit in Final Cut.
Thank you and a good Sunday
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

I had a similar problem recently on one of my live trainings. The size of the clip has been misrepresented and too broad.
Upon request, they told me that the problem was announced in spring 2010 and will be corrected by means of an update of Apple.
That's all I know, sorry. Until then, I find myself with it.