Frage von stefanko:
I try, the material of my Sony EX3 (720, 50P) to import into Final Cut Pro at 6:06. In addition, I have the preview software and installed the codec of the enclosed CD. 2:01 And I XDCAM Transfer software downloaded from the Internet.
So far so good. Unfortunately, I can create a.) no XDCAM Project, if I namely "Final Cut Pro> Easy Setup," click, the error message "missing Easy Setup Preset.
In addition, the import does not work the material. When I click "File> Import> SonyXDCAM" click, then I can see that I have 3 clips on my SXS card but I can not watch the clip ( "no media" stands) and the " Import "button is grayed out?
Can someone help me, I despair slowly.
Antwort von Piers:

Maybe you should clear your views and let them Prefs of Final Cut Pro to create new ones.
I always do with Final Cut Pro Rescue. Strangely, the website of the manufacturer is not found, but here you get the tool synonymous Cut Pro Rescue Download 25515.html
Simply the Prefs to "trash" and then launch Final Cut Pro. Final Cut Pro, then re-write the prefs, which may take a while.
Otherwise, perhaps even repair for "rights" googling!
Transfer tool:
Only copy your video files with the transfer tool, or just the entire folder structure with the clip browser tool on your hard drive if you want to get all the metadata, then with the transfer tool to convert *. mov container can.
Then, the resulting video files can easily move into the bin of your project, import /.
Antwort von PowerMac:

But this is not the latest Sony software that you have ...
Antwort von frm:

'm Not a Mac Light company,
But know that Final Cut does not XDCAM EX files accepted.
This s.besten the new Clip Browser Of SonyInstallieren and then the files in umcoderien MFX files.
It is best to use the latest, I have the version 2.5 because I can transcode by right.
I cut myself with Edius or Adobe and since it works perfectly without converting.
Antwort von Piers:

Here's the link to the Preference Manager to repair with the same kannste your Prefs.
Antwort von stefanko:

Thanks for the replies.
've mistyped the version 2.10 of the XDCAM Transfer software, think this is the newest.
The Clip Browser 2.5 I installed already but what MFX fpr me to transcode the files then? There are several of Choice:
- MXFs for NLEs
- MXFs for XDCAM HD422
I would like to further process 4:2:2 material, so I "MXFs for XDCAM HD422 have chosen." The. Xmf file but I can only play in VLC Player, Final Cut does not recognize the file?
EDIT: Also, it appears as a logo because I obviously do not have the full version (of the CD is down)
The repaieren with the prefs, I am trying to be the same.
Antwort von Piers:

As has already been written next, Final Cut Pro can start with the xmf Files nix. You
have to repack them via transfer tool into a mov container. This is not synonymous neucodieren, it will be amended so nix s.der "signal quality", but the xmf mov container against the container which can then edit Final Cut Pro replaced.
Although I've only EX ne 1 but hundreds of used here is my workflow:
-SxS card with the ClipBrowser copy to HDD if you need the metadata
With the clip-transfer tool "convert"
(Copy - of the SxS card via the transfer tool clips directly onto the HDD if you can refrain from Meta)
Open Final Cut Pro
Open Finder
drag the generated *. mov files of the HDD into the bin of the easy presets with XDCAM EX-scale project
-ready, divorced and happy
Antwort von stefanko:

Hm .. I am trying, it might not work. It begins thus s.dass I Transfertool the clips do not see there is "no media" - and therefore I can not copy synonymous via transfer tool on the HDD.
And as I said I still can not create a nich XDCAM EX preset?
Complicated history
Antwort von stefanko:

I think I'm slowly with the problem on the track. I have now seen that I did not have the latest version of XDCAM Transfer tool. Now have version 11 And that has me start at the following shows (see appendix). And synonymous to the clip is now no longer "no media" but that is missing the codec. Now the question is why did not the codecs if I do have Final Cut Pro 6.06, and would have to be present there. And how do I get the codecs now?
Antwort von Piers:

Latest Drivers of the Sony micro-site already installed?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Because now we must correctly enter.
FCS reinstall, or you make any mistakes ...