Frage von blueforest:
I recently had my Canon XH A1 Camera Repair to send them. Now I have discovered the following problem: The Sharp collar
the Camera does not respond anymore. I can no longer picture the manual
Setting. The autofocus works, however. To my knowledge there is in the XH A1 does not synonymous with the function Scharf collar is out of operation in manual mode or am I mistaken? And if this function is actually this should disappear as soon as the camera to factory setting reset.
Personally, I suspect you have during the repair anything damaged easily.
can anyone confirm or is there yet another reason?
thank you very much
Antwort von david2:
Personally, I suspect you have during the repair anything damaged easily. ... I would think synonymous.
I do not have a Canon, in my Sonyist but the following occurred: Through the simultaneous use LANC Control (Push Auto Focus) and the ring, he is sometimes synonymous disabled.