Frage von M. Jensen:I'm having trouble capturing (Because he listens to the middle and again when I click on capture is next) and synonymous with the issue of the film. When you export disappear definitely some elements in the timeline are.
Can I get the tip to redeeming? Is certainly something quite simple but I'm not on it.
What could be wrong? My PC is definitely powerful enough!
Antwort von M. Jensen:
Would be glad if we still could find a solution. Is urgent that I get to grips with because I am now equally important with what the camera filmed have instead tried to take my.
Antwort von Blupp:
times with HDV split attempt
(where is the s.unterstützt)
gruß cj
Antwort von Blupp:
Hello m.jensen
Do you have your video hard drive formatted in fat32? In this format, there is a file size limitation of cca.4 Gb. That would explain the behavior. If so you have to give your disk to NTFS V. format.