Frage von flowu:
I hope I find you help - I borrowed for a documentary project s.unserer University, the XL H1, now had a rotating sample and now have the following problems with the sound:
Since I did scenes with 2 micros (kameramic + xlr) I've recorded channel is set to 4 ton (= CH micro camera 1 / 3 - XLR = CH 2 / 4) - I did not hear anything in my video watch and listen to a tvs can () by chinch.
so now I want to capture via firewire on my pc (with premiere pro 4) - and now have only the information of kameramics. in the camera options, I can indeed connect through between the channels and listen to each ton synonymous right when I plug in my headphones s.The camera - via firewire will still only have the camera signal output of the micros.
I hope you can give me just a tip - in the manual which is, as always, nothing: (
Antwort von tommyb:

Place your project at 32 Khz, 12 bit to.
The camera body is also at 32 kHz, 12 bit. Then it could possibly work out.