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I used to date TMPG MPEG Editor, and more recently, TMPG XPress 4.0
When does TMPG MPEG frame accurate cutting without subsequent New coding. Smart Rendering mention das The video file is simply "rausgeschrieben". Unfortunately, the editor is imported only pure MPEG, AVI is no container with DivX or Xvid.
That's why I TMPG Xpress purchased. The imported the AVI Xvid / Divx does the smart but not rendering. Say he wants to re-encode everything. ~ 90 minutes.
Long speech short question:
Are there Programs, Xvid / DivX framgenau cutting without the need to re-encode?
Or is the problem s.Format and not s.Tool?
With VirtualDub and "Direct Stream Copy", but unfortunately not frame accurate.
Thank you. Greeting
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I used to date TMPG MPEG Editor, and more recently, TMPG XPress 4.0
When does TMPG MPEG frame accurate cutting without subsequent New coding. Are you sure? MPEG (as it is used when Normalverbaucher) is synonymous only every few frames per second I-frames. Only s.denen could be cut without Neukodieren. I suspect your program (it is only know by name) simply encodes the few pictures until the next I-frame new - without the big check. To make it all the editing programs, MPEG-cut material directly.
Are there Programs, Xvid / DivX framgenau cutting without the need to re-encode?
Or is the problem s.Format and not s.Tool? Even this work, inter alia, why so effzient because they have several pictures coding. You can try with VirtualDub the Functioning of the MPEG-Schneider emulate (but troublesome). So, to each I-frame using Direct Stream Copy and cut the few intermediate images can be re-encode.
Whether it's other programs are cut, the DivX car with it, others have to answer - or you might want to have the usual suspects of the trial versions to download and try's.