Infoseite // YouTube and naked bodies: Context is king

Newsmeldung von slashCAM:

Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: YouTube and naked bodies: Context is king


Antwort von deti:

This American prudery seems like a kindergarten! "The Max down there has something completely different than me." "Yes Lisa, that's Pooh hingucken because you can not."



Antwort von Tuffy:

Quote: And so now because the context is king, then, here's a link to the same topic in Germany ...
Yes, only the theme is checked, the nonsense written here a step. NRW stood across, now we have been preserved.

Current sources and so ... ;)


Antwort von B.DeKid:

"Deti" wrote: This American prudery seems like a kindergarten! .....

It not only acts like it is!


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