Newsmeldung von slashCAM: starts with the blessing of GEMA rudi - 8 Nov 2007 18:40:00 Actually we would be the start of the German branch of YouTube is not necessarily a good news message, but now joined an interesting detail to light. As reported Golem has YouTube with GEMA agreed "that YouTube, the GEMA repertoire s.musikalischen works on its platform can use." This can only mean that his works on YouTube now synonymous with GEMA Music can publish without GEMA fees loose to make. Unfortunately there are no details on the deal are known, but it is likely that YouTube s.die GEMA a kind of flat-rate levy pays. It is synonymous mind this is not a "silent acquiescence", but really about the "use". Thus, while the pupils of a movie in the youth center still presents GEMA is mandatory, this debt in a presentation to YouTube now apparently settled. It would be interesting, however, to know with what amount to GEMA this "freedom" can pay. And if you as a small artist synonymous then gets distributed to works that are retrieved at YouTube.
This is an auto-generated entry
Antwort von camworks:

times I would be interested to know where the gema with the permit is on youtube! in the terms of use, I found nothing of gema,'ve even via browser search in the sought after document.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Thus, while the pupils of a movie in the youth center still presents GEMA is mandatory, this debt in a presentation to YouTube now apparently settled. I think unless there is money earned with the demonstration is the synonymous permitted. Finally, 100,000 in Germany such demonstrations in the social sector, sports clubs, parishes, conferences, etc., without a commercial nature instead. In these cases the non-use can be to invoke the customary law, just as if someone over 10years on a private road across traipses.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Thus, while the pupils of a movie in the youth center still presents GEMA is mandatory, this debt in a presentation to YouTube now apparently settled. I think unless there is money earned with the demonstration is the synonymous permitted. Finally, 100,000 in Germany such demonstrations in the social sector, sports clubs, parishes, conferences, etc., without a commercial nature instead. In these cases the non-use can be to invoke the customary law, just as if someone over 10years on a private road across traipses.
If synonymous in the video sources are specified, then it is indeed of benefit to the author of Music, priceless free publicity from the pyramid scheme ...
Antwort von camworks:

Your posting did you can edit synonymous to the new paragraph to write anything :-)
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

here and an agreement Gema / clubs:
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Every musician knows that the performance of works by other musicians GEMA fees, which only escapes when a concert is a charity event.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Music in Internet podcasts ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Regarding private homepages:
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
(...) I think as long as no money earned with the demonstration is the synonymous permitted. (...) wrong, profit motive is not necessary;
(...) Finally, 100,000 in Germany such demonstrations in the social sector, sports clubs, parishes, conferences, etc., without a commercial nature instead. (...) irrelevant to the GEMA duty, to say nothing of the copyright aspects of every day driving synonymous Besoffen thousands on the streets without it is thus legally;
(...) In these cases the non-use can be to invoke the customary law, just as if someone over 10years on a private road across traipses .(...) ... I call that time with
the mother of all due
Rechtsunkenntnis; (...) If synonymous in the video sources are specified, then it is indeed of benefit to the author of Music, priceless free publicity from the pyramid scheme ... ... and exactly this Dummfug ( "free advertising"), I read again and again, when I once again my photos on external sites discover where they silently and unauthorized use. I get so little in response to my request, to refrain - sometimes with a few verbal derailments decorated.
If I were a famous musician, then I would be given the offer to Make Youtube very quickly that my music in such crap is installed!
When will the realization once because of general knowledge:
The use of copyrighted works without permission from the rights holder and, where
applicable, payments s.die GEMA not allowed. : - /
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

GEMA is a private club, so something for the members of this association ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
The use of copyrighted works without permission from the rights holder and, where applicable, payments s.die GEMA not allowed. This is wrong, the music is with the purchase price paid.
On a music CD, for example, the print GEMA, BIEM, GMB, etc., so that these companies / clubs share the revenue from sales between them. Sometimes on a music CD that uneralubte demonstration would not be allowed. What is an unauthorized demonstration, but is not it.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
(...) This is wrong, the music is with the purchase price paid. (...) No, you have not paid for the music, but a specific use authorization. This includes usually only listen to the private sector, as well as never using a video that will be published somewhere.
But since you here so the copyright Upper Schlau Meier seems to be, I prefer (as a lawyer) times because of this thread back.
[sarcasm] I recommend you to test your statements, GEMA agents and copyrighted music (from the Top Ten s.besten) in a separate video and installed on your home page to publish. Then you write s.die GVU and look what happens. [/ sarcasm] Manno Manno man ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Hi Jurist ...
The GEMA with the club is for many pages but very annoying!
I Buying a music CD and then I want to use as it fits me. All rights with the purchase price must be settled, synonymous'm willing to pay, such as when buying a car. Here I must per n.synonymous no other copyrights s.das factory to pay for the car.
Is it not possible to cover such a general solution with the distinction between use of private / commercial use in this bureaucratic Germany to bring?
Sit it out to ensure you a lawyer and you do not duck away!
Antwort von teletoby:

... The GEMA with the club ...
can you some how get off? What percentage actually gets to the makers of Music for which he 15 ¬ per title in the Gema pay again for the other pay for the song. So when I read my text and go through your head is to leave the Gema loopholes in the club ;-) If I were a song "buy" do I pay so much money then heard the song gets to me or the artist is still at a Money use?
Gema and the synonymous but then deleted it?
Antwort von Axel:

If everyone just any hernehmen Music and film as a fleet for his otherwise meaningless mess to hernehmen allowed (which we now seem to threaten), we have a flood of shitty especially caught his shorts, even worse than before.
The argument that a small amateur filmmakers could not make music, has been one effective dissemination Music software will no longer be synonymous, unless the person is totally unmusical. With a corresponding alienation, ie, if the original, even for the author no longer be seen, one is entitled to self-identified as the author ( "abgekupfert" will be everywhere).
Who says that necessarily need the original to his film about the beautiful, should pay.
What would you say Bruno, if someone your YouTube film with his own Gedudel inferior and it would publish
Johanns music video?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Lawyers intepretieren the right, without his own opinion. New consumer-friendly legislation in the case of publicly abkassierden associations must be created, politically halt, if we only want a majority ...
But, schaun'mer times what the EU is doing ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
What would you say Bruno, if someone your YouTube film with his own Gedudel inferior and it would publish Johanns music video? Can he likes to do ...
If my own performance to be somewhat expensive, I bring it through other paths in dry towels.
Antwort von RM:

The press release comes with GEMA 5Btt_news%% 5D = 668 & tx_ttnews 5BbackPid%% 5D = 76 & = cHash 1b5ec2f6ee
Antwort von teletoby:

I would more synonymous in legal freiraum d wish ...
would be for all (except the lawyers) s.besten ...
gruß cj
ps. ot [recently gabs times a report on private ebay sellers
in its offer an addition had forgotten and of
a lawyer from berlin legally pursued and were abkassiert]
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

So you can now on YouTube a video with a musical background of any purchasable music CD.
So I understand that in any case ...
Antwort von hannes:

> So I understand that in any case ...
This is any event in the comments.
Hard to believe, when the usual methods of them.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

This will YouTube have to have some cost. The alternative might well have been otherwise more or less the closure of the portal was.
Antwort von Meggs:
Lawyers intepretieren the right, without his own opinion. That is precisely the point. There is a difference if you have sense of justice and laws discussed, or on its application in the event of a dispute. In this discussion mingle these aspects.
The fact is that man with the purchase of a music CD only the right to acquire them in a non-public environment, listen to.
I find this one-sided and unjust legislation of the interests of the music industry protectively. I do not buy so synonymous Music CD's anymore.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
The fact is that man with the purchase of a music CD only the right to acquire them in a non-public environment, listen to. And because this music CD belongs to me alone, I can destroy and synonymous in the yellow sack stuck ...
Grünenthal 10 employees have it together with their lawyers succeeded because of "low own fault" with a single pill thalidomide over 6000 without hands / legs came into the world children to lifelong suffering to condemn.
Antwort von rudi:

I was also a member of Gema times and had me on the "club" only annoyed:
1. I have never synonymous only a (then) Pfennigs s.Tantiemen seen, even though I have been a couple of Radio Plays and had on a few playlists of some DJs had. But GEMA interested not only yourself what the levy will be "counted". I even know a friend with a top 10 hit in Austria, actually on the Gema / AustroMechana quite a few euros should get, but the wartetet many years on a payment and has completely given up hope. So it is certainly not an isolated case and the fact is that the Gema einsammelt of the kids and it gives the Great.
Here are just packages and collected among the top earners of the Music industry divided. An artist, she sees nothing of the Gema! Therefore, even clear for all: The Gema None is in any way a representation of artists, synonymous if they like themselves and thus it represents your character semi-legitimized.
Especially through Youtube and other Internet distributors such as Internet radio, it would be possible, the royalties for downloads to distribute, which is extremely fair (and technically not too complicated). This would really help artists, but operates Gema synonymous here exactly the opposite by presenting a package to collect and do not bother, then to see what music I actually used.
2. What struck me then finally moved to the exit, was the fact that as a small member Gema Gema-free plants may publish. Properly belongs, once everything Gema Gema. You can not do so once for a friend ne compose film music, without the favor Gema pay. Even if you goodness to him. Your works are entirely of the Gema managed. All or nothing. That was me then but to hammerhart that I am not one of those see Money (and still around 25 euros a year to pay) and then not even to decide who I personally use rights assignment.
I personally can s.der Gema Page therefore not a good look, because I believe the interests of the smaller artists and do not represent much more even works on the other hand, IMHO. With fair rights management, the YouTube deal, in my eyes in any case nothing to do.
Many greetings
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Therefore, it is a political initiative at EU level to get her to halt and consumers are not of a club next to criminalize with your property acquired as a music CD, they consider background in videos and then install somewhere not want to perform commercially. Only it comes to me ... !
Writes s.die EU Members, I'll do it synonymous!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Thus, only a single time for the persistent Nichtkapierenwoller:
The GEMA with the club is for many pages but very annoying! for those who have their videos for free subtitles want, surely.
I Buying a music CD and then I want to use as it fits me. If you like the permitted uses "not fit" or "not enough", then do not buy it.
such as when buying a car. Here I must per n.synonymous no other copyrights s.das factory to pay for the car. From apples and pears you've ever heard, eh? Either you're a troll or ... in each case: creeping you!
Sit it out to ensure you a lawyer and you do not duck away! I Ducke me from this discussion is not gone. However, for your "problem" a very different industry responsible. You can, for example BT s.Deinen MPs write. Or s.die GEMA. You can try synonymous very happy, what will happen to you if you do not copyright beach test.
The one where I would be ducking when you arrive and after looking for a lawyer, you the shit out of the draws.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Lawyer, what assumption you keep me here, schähmst you did not?
I know your "colleagues" with "experts" and "arbitrator" very good. Your soup is cooking its own parallel to the state ...
Times prefer to do nails with heads and set up for consumer rights and you are not dealing with apples and pears.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Wunderbar. Come Bruno, hau 'another stupid stereotype or a prejudice out. Perhaps a comment about the politicians?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

But you're here but finally arrived ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

After you. Like the entrance to the restaurant.
Antwort von Meggs:

The bad s.Urheberrecht is the general confusion and uncertainty, what we may now and what is not.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
I know your "colleagues" with "experts" and "arbitrator" very good. Your soup is cooking its own parallel to the state ... ... then this is surely the reason why you on the homepage a link to a legal Page've gelle?
Markus, closing this thread, please. Here one does not
want to read / understand. After all, it provides arguments against re-use of anonymous forums ;-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
I know your "colleagues" with "experts" and "arbitrator" very good. Your soup is cooking its own parallel to the state ... ... then this is surely the reason why you on the homepage a link to a legal Page've gelle?
... times like this and apart: is very likely copyrighted and is still on your page - without a source, etc., with permission of the copyright holder? So do not act as if all others would only Bööösen!
Markus, closing this thread, please. You will not get one. After all, it provides arguments against re-use of anonymous forums ;-)
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Two posts ... cool times from you, then perhaps you understand what is really here goes ...
What thoughts do you have relating to the thread?
Antwort von ben z.:

Typically Bruno ...
If he then goes collar s.den times we tried it with distraction times.
The worst is that the generation of "Bruno" is a precursor for the younger generation have no Chill for "property" more.
The problem is that we more and more software (programs, music ...) and have much less hardware (Autos. ..). The right understanding of the software must halt the overwhelming population growth.
Moreover, since help is not on the EU to hope. Since the heads are sitting already an extended and healthy understanding of the law for intellectual property and have exacerbated rather above ..
Antwort von Voltz:
The worst is that the generation of "Bruno" is a precursor for the younger generation have no Chill for "property" more.
Host, since it will flatter but now seen as purely age ;-)
Return relating to.
I have read the posts but surprised synonymous read a little frightened.
You must not be so emotionally acceptable.
I try it the other times:
Bruno, You have just two things separate:
The purely private use, so the performance of your deposited with commercial music videos in the family and friends
use outside of this private area, so the general public.
The distinction here is often not easy:
Is the loud playback s.Fenster to a public road is already public or private?
Concretely, this means for your private use you can with the work of your purchased copy and can do what you want, as long as nothing s.die public domain. Precisely this was you from the rights holder an appropriate usage license.
Would you like to do more, so the work publicly perform, it is the public process, transform, update, merge, etc. so you need additional licensing rights from the rights holder.
Sun, and now there is YouTube, whose platform in a series of such publications shall be made. I think it is not difficult to note that this platform is no longer "purely private" is. That way, they would be synonymous on your private home page only if you have the public by means of appropriate measures (secret URL, password protection) of such content fernhälst effectively.
One may now think of the GEMA, what you like. There is this association times and now it is mostly related exploitation rights assigned. That is something we just accept it.
Finally, my opinion on the topic:
I like You Tube. Fine, if the problem is now an agreement has been made.
Antwort von issc:

Certainly, it is important to intellectual property protection. However at the GEMA created by decades of watching just the impression that sometimes a kind of self-service mentality has developed. As a good example of the analog GEZ very good, a private company synonymous in the "quasi-contract" (or as synonymous always the correct one must describe), but with fewer rights than the GEMA, because this makes it ever a burden to reverse course to make and that with "great deals" on YouTube ala any sense pinch.
But to reason and justice, it is finally not. It is about maintaining vielstelliger interests and a powerful lobbying apparatus. If we all laws or regulations for justice judge wanted to, we would be a long time ... in the GEMA, however, is worth a look sometimes ;-)
I know some musicians (no Friday evening Klampfer), with the pride of GEMA members were ... and after a few years at least have thrown in the towel. Besides the lack of freedom does not own for free post or otherwise flexible usage rights to be awarded, to the disillusionment with the lack of "GEMA's success," gabs the whole program as outlined here. Some would often attacked argument "is free advertising, if one uses your Mucke" (with name of course) is no longer attack. Dear in the public spectrum ever happen than to Nimmerleins Royalty-waiting and not even during the latter being able to do ... this is obviously not for the big stars or big record companies, but certainly for many "small" musicians, who usof GEMA so extraordinarily protected.
Antwort von dh-paule:

Still Image and secretly s.09.11.2007 was something positive for amateur filmmakers achieved. You can now remain of the GEMA post videos on youtube!
youtube and the GMA have been agreed so it is now possible to own videos "without fear" with music to create and publish, at least on
OK, the picture quality is quite moderate ... but the distribution possibilities are enormous ;-)
to the news on
Antwort von issc:

Something practical. Before the "big deal" striking the free use of all GEMA music suggests (which still sharing, youtube just so high and the other down load it), have much more concrete in the run-up problems in the media found.
In particular, the "synchronization rights" can I get into the "GEMA loves YouTube" messages no longer find. But this is for most so-called "amateur filmmakers" and many others is a crucial point, since these the "GEMA Music" Verton to use it.
Here something of "Gema-syndic" Alexander Wolf of 2.7.2007:
Until, however, a contract can be signed, must be some complicated questions of the so-called synchronization rights are clarified, restricts Wolf admits. "The synchronization accesses, for example, right when the song Grönemeyer, Mensch 'in a movie or a commercial built, so be synchronized be. The artists are very unique and are very keen to decide for themselves, "says Gema-Syndicus the procedure. This puts the ball is now negotiating with the German Music Publishers' Association. Its members must decide whether or not Youtube and Google with each rights holder, individually or with the association as a body must negotiate. One thing is certain: Only when the entire package is, a contract can be closed and the German Youtube Startup done. Source:;art290,2332127
Anyone here knows how the right synchronization with YouTube finally was regulated? Because without knowing this would be the use of lax GEMA material was still not right or demanding free.
It may be that GEMA, a lump sum for the reproduction is, but whether the use of the consent of the copyright holder synonymous lump sum available, I can not find it.
Antwort von Voltz:

That is the Complex in the use of Music.
The response of the GEMA-syndic-attorney is true, but incomplete. There are not only the rights of performing synchronization Künsters (interpreters) needed, but synonymous to the composer and, where appropriate, synonymous to the text.
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:

What I want as a hobby filmmakers:
- One (1 piece) own video to the public free of charge to demonstrate (Sports Heim, Gemeindesaal ...)
- One (1 piece) your own video on their own homepage, free ...
Music composed with any music CD.
Can I do that without making GEMA Checkout?
If not, what cost?
Antwort von issc:
one (1 piece) own video to the public free of charge to demonstrate (Sports Heim, Gemeindesaal ...) Once your "own video piece Protected Music includes the performance is not free, consent rights (copyright), in the event log and GEMA BEFOREHAND an amount for the music used to pay. Relevant synonymous, although the number of videos, the GEMA is primarily a reproduction of it. If 1 video available for download, it can still 10000x downloaded or viewed - that is relevant to the GEMA.
If you GEMA-free music use, the GEMA that synonymous then register BEFORE the event so that they can give you release, because ONLY the GEMA can decide what GEMA-free and what is not, she says so. Legally, it has no handle - it is my opinion (like info about this desired) no law that you GEMA works must register. But then you write GEMA perhaps a letter ....
one (1 piece) your own video on their own homepage, free see above. Same here with the protected music. The same for videos with GEMA-free music. If you mount it on YouTube, it seems - so at least the tenor - the og Prodzedere rauszufallen and use GEMA-protected music for free to be IT SEEMS SO!
GEMA's price on the net. The world is a Guhgl.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... and remember, GEMA is not everything: You need
synonymous nor the release of the Rechteeinhaber / author / artist, so you in your public-facing video can fit. Applies synonymous, if you "free" show, emphasis is on "public".
That will be very happy times and forget - I guess now - has at least for the major labels zero chance to reply, let alone permission.
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:

Hmm, can None of the two simple questions above concrete answer?
I have presented the following reply:
- Private video in the public perform cost: x, x ¬ uro unique application x weeks before the performance.
- Private Home Video to show: x, x ¬ uro for x weeks,
X weeks before the application of Enstellung of the video.
Do you really own any concrete experience with it?
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:
You need synonymous nor the release of the Rechteeinhaber / author / artist ... How do I move through, wanted to Music of Chopin and Inessa Galante use?
Antwort von issc:

Chopin's works s.sich you can, because it has more than 70 years is dead. But of course, are the recordings of orchestras and Co. synonymous again protected, but if you ea restore itself, it should be with the Music s.sich no problem.
Galante is still alive and that is why they are synonymous has the right to decide who uses their works.
Prices, search under Labels (for permits), etc. everything you can find online at GEMA. If you are here to ask GEMA issues, then you can not expect that we only play GEMA advice - some info on the edge frown there is ;-)
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
How do I move through, wanted to Music of Chopin and Inessa Galante use? You get the music of the Galante - who is synonymous ever that may be - but of a CD. As is the record label thing, meinethalben Virgin Records. The write s.and You ask a question that you have your private video with the song and the dubbing and the public can show.
But please do not think the air in till you get a reply. Could lethal expect.
On the other Question: GEMA is reachable synonymous and lists on the Tariffs. Admittedly not clear, but readable. And in doubt because it calls to halt. So stupid (as you can read again and again), the do not.
Antwort von dhpaule:

Anyone here knows how the right synchronization with YouTube finally was regulated? Because without knowing this would be the use of lax GEMA material was still not right or demanding free.
Why soooo skeptical?
I am a hobby filmmakers and read on the Page GEMA press release contains the following passage:
The agreement is entitled to use the global repertoire of musical works on the YouTube platform. This agreement allows the use of music in music videos as synonymous of the users created videos.
That is clearly to be understood that I, as a hobby filmmakers the world repertoire "of me in a video prepared for use. Point.
I do not know why because I still think should be.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Quite simply: The Gema certainly gives you no rights. The artist you have to pick from.
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:

A pity, it is written a lot here, but here None really know how to practice with the GEMA crosses.
Antwort von snowy:

@ Röhn-diesel:
First and foremost, obviously you do not know how the general path through GEMA. Everything has already been written:
- The authors obtain rights (GEMA online search)
- Publication in the Register GEMA
- Amount paid
- In the framework agreed to publish
So läufts ;-)
How the whole thing on YouTube will ultimately be up to the press releases actually unclear. After my experience with GEMA would be me messages, and the synchronization to copyright law in detail is received much better. The copyright still applies and that it is not.
Antwort von snowy:
Why soooo skeptical? Because I like to legally go to play it safe. In other words, the current announcements of GEMA / YouTube just a "general tolerance" as the copyright issues, synchronization rights, etc. not be formulated and it can be assumed that it is purely law remains valid.
Should musicians complain against GEMA, for example, because they might only indirectly s.den YouTube participate publications (who knows whether GEMA musicians for each clip on YouTube will receive a payout? How would you fixed this?), It can happen very quickly that the publication rights in individual cases will be revoked. Generally there is not a sound legal system is always the danger that the "tolerance" can be arbitrarily revoked.
Unfortunately we know nothing precise about it. If you want to know is probably in the GEMA call ... although not a guarantee of a reliable statement is (sometimes).
Antwort von snowy:

So, call GEMA at:
Until my question bezgl. YouTube ever could, I was 3 times weitervebunden. The press itself could not help me. In the department of industry, I could at least formulate my question - the answer is stressed "unauthorized" and reflects only the interpretation of an employee to return - an "authorized" should I reply by e-mail later.
Question: "Is the collection of the author with the permission of the GEMA-YouTube Deal synonymous flat-rate allowance?"
Answer: "No, according to my understanding, you must have permission from the copyright still keep just copying over YouTube is already settled with GEMA."
Well, that is to say that the use of GEMA synonymous Music on YouTube are still not legally free. The Non-Requesting copyright permission in my understanding would enable the auto blanket GEMA release negate, as the only free, GEMA, when the author approved. The fact that YouTube videos are then quickly rausschmeisst likely the result and this possibly another book.
Wait, we look at the "authorized" answer. If that is the case, the press release on the GEMA-YouTube Deal mE a totally false impression.
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:

GEMA seems to be the wrong partner, which in my order everything from one hand it could be.
Is there a service provider to help me my little video on the HP to publish me and for everything that Inclusivpreis called synonymous if I'm a little video in the parish hall show? As it is written for me to non-presentation in public.
Who here has been through, what it cost and how many months before you have a service provider to place an order?
Antwort von snowy:

I have previously always directly with GEMA or a stamping settled. If there are other service providers to do so, then take the money for sure, maybe more than necessary, because small events are the GEMA fees are not very high, synonymous for ne 100er edition DVDs, etc. the fees are quite predictable. I want you again to the GEMA Prices on the Internet indicates.
To GEMA you do not even come around and I think that less than GEMA handling the permission of the author for purposes of your problem.
Antwort von dh-paule:
So, call GEMA at:
Until my question bezgl. YouTube ever could, I was 3 times weitervebunden. The press itself could not help me. In the department of industry, I could at least formulate my question - the answer is stressed "unauthorized" and reflects only the interpretation of an employee to return - an "authorized" should I reply by e-mail later.
Question: "Is the collection of the author with the permission of the GEMA-YouTube Deal synonymous flat-rate allowance?"
Answer: "No, according to my understanding, you must have permission from the copyright still keep just copying over YouTube is already settled with GEMA."
Well, that is to say that the use of GEMA synonymous Music on YouTube are still not legally free. The Non-Requesting copyright permission in my understanding would enable the auto blanket GEMA release negate, as the only free, GEMA, when the author approved. The fact that YouTube videos are then quickly rausschmeisst likely the result and this possibly another book.
Wait, we look at the "authorized" answer. If that is the case, the press release on the GEMA-YouTube Deal mE a totally false impression. THANKS for the call and the information.
since leaving the press release but a completely different impression. As the "Otto-Normal-User" reads the message and delighted: Hurray, on youtube I may publish it because the GEMA are OK.
It is, however, other rights to note that there are not too many and it is unfortunately in the press release that are not synonymous. Wait, we look at the mail ...
Antwort von Voltz:
It is, however, other rights to note that there are not too many and it is unfortunately in the press release that are not synonymous. Then Andreas_Kiel and I are in that Fred has already received.
Only need to read man's still holding.
Antwort von snowy:
THANKS for the call and the information. PLEASE! I had thought before rumspekuliert longer just ask ;-)
Then Andreas_Kiel and I are in that Fred has already received. I synonymous, synonymous others, is apparently happy to read. It can probably not often enough stress. Yet the press release speaks a different language, synonymous if they will not tell a lie. Because the mere omission of an important point (for example, a notice: "Caution, it must nevertheless only the rights of the author may be") in a marketing-oriented message, the user is not exempt from the existing legislation to follow. I believe that the people at the GEMA to know exactly what they are ... and poker as the "consumers" to understand it ...
A good, the GEMA-YouTube deal but synonymous: finally can average musician, member of the GEMA, their own works in the home via YouTube embed ... because they have the copyright himself, and the GEMA fees charged YouTube, bingo!
Antwort von snowy:

Then Andreas_Kiel and I are in that Fred has already received.
Only need to read man's still holding. And what do you mean by this?
The all youtube users and all readers of the GEMA press release here in the first forum to read how to correctly interpret the message?
I habs read, and wonder exactly why, because I Andreas_Kiel of the contributions and the other had read why GEMA then writes the following:
... entitled to use the global repertoire of musical works .. "right" time is now a normal thinking human being equal with "I have the right to ..."
But is synonymous no preference, fpr me ists clearly, for The 126 readers of this Freds certainly synonymous, but not for 100.tausende Otto-Normal-Youtube-User
Antwort von PowerMac:
but not for How much "100.tausende Otto-Normal-youtube-user" read the press releases GEMA? Nonsense!
Antwort von snowy:
... entitled to use the global repertoire of musical works .. ... being used in conjunction with YouTube probably - if it's really bad want to be churlish - really just copying the "use" could refer to - the pure "GEMA use" flat. Because the general use of YouTube is based on reproduction, regardless of the author and whose rights, this is what the GEMA. I would argue as GEMA. A press release is just marketing Cherry picking and hardly suitable as a "proof ".....
So far, I have unfortunately not "authorized" to receive. Somehow easily procure me the feeling that either the long or did not take place.
If nothing comes would be a joint request for information on the GEMA nor ne possibility of legal clarity in the matter ... to bring about Slashcam or other "group" ... just so ne idea. I would have like to know what REALLY thing.
Antwort von rudi:
If nothing comes would be a joint request for information on the GEMA nor ne possibility of legal clarity in the matter ... to bring about Slashcam or other "group" ... just so ne idea. I would have like to know what REALLY thing. Actually a good idea. If you do not hear more next week and I find the time, I will be times when Gema durchklingeln ...
Much Grüeß
Antwort von Rhön-Diesel:

There are many amateur and hobby Jusristen judge, but do not know exactly what loss is all know only very little ...
Even with the Gema fare finder not sure you can find out what it costs a private and non-video (dubbed with a music CD) of half an hour once in Pfarrsaal without levying any event costs per Beamer be listed. If it is true that we still synonymous in addition to Ms. Inessa Galante or Mike Krueger and each other on the CD involved musicians in the studio and the pressing plant and the char has a permit with signatures of three attorneys, then this is all very ridiculous and idiotic. This procedure prevents our economy prospers.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
This procedure prevents our economy prospers. How great would be for your share s.Bruttosozialprodukt, s.der thriving economy?
Hast thou not told of your Project: private and noncommercial?
Antwort von snowy:

@ Rhoen-Diesel
There are many amateur and hobby Jusristen judge, but do not know exactly what loss is all know only very little ... And why is not that so? If you have not noticed: the GEMA rules are so opaque and unclear (in terms of YouTube), SO that we just try it out. If we had a clear and transparent rules we would have no "detective work" afford. The "judge" the way, nobody here has played. And the Prosecutor is to be of any good law.
In relation to the "usual" GEMA rules:
If it is true that we still synonymous in addition to Ms. Inessa Galante or Mike Krueger and each other on the CD involved musicians in the studio and the pressing plant and the char has a permit with signatures of three attorneys, then this is all very ridiculous and idiotic. This is the GEMA nunmal game. I'm sure most of you know that it is necessary to catch up with the author permission. And this is so and this is not an invention of lawyers hobby is that you can at the GEMA to look online or in the Copyright Act under Section § 23, 75 and 85th Or do you look at the exemption of press down arms, then you will see what GEMA know everything and what you want to "practice" need.
... until now no "authorized" response of GEMA.
Antwort von Yasmin:

@ Rhön Sprudel
Addendum: I'm trying abzuklappern which is protected by law and not who can make claims, and will be allowed. The fact that one or the other, after weighing the risks of personal schonmal decides otherwise and it does what he wants and how he
keeps it right, Well, this is the person themselves and which one should probably better not synonymous in the public debate. [/ U ]
Yeah, I Rhön Sprudel written? Sorry.
Antwort von EDXF:

If you have not noticed: the GEMA rules are so opaque and unclear (in terms of YouTube), SO that we just try it out.
Maybe you give the parties sufficient time to time that their arrangements now in peace and to understand on paper and then bring the user in the form of eg AGB available.
There comes a press release out that YouTube and Gema have reached an agreement and have all the world begins s.rumzuspekulieren ....
People, as are a few more operators s.der whole matter.
The Gema managed usdas copyright and the reproduction right, but what's with the manufacturing rights (synonymous called synchronization rights), with the performance rights?
Also want to be clarified.
There are continuous, the IFPI and the GVL who have been with the boat and it may have to synonymous here are their own contracts, etc.
Here it is not going to speculate as good .... let the people responsible fun times but the time to own everything to make watertight.
This is the GEMA nunmal game. This is
not simply a Gema game, play as are a lot more with, and
worldwide. Most titles come from the U.S., so there must be rights to be clarified or just over the associations, so it is in their power to do.
It is
not just the Gema and that all rights to such clarification so confusing for the layman and synonymous often enough for the specialist, is now time that it goes to a variety of rights, which many people have s.einem work and all their (legitimate) claims.
As a private person could always make you what you wanted.
Film, music CD snap, Verton, done.
Synonymous But only as long as no commercial use and no public performance existed.
But now is about public performance and now are all the beneficiaries affected.
So much for the understanding of the whole, before you simply complains about the Gema.
And btw: Who is a Gemamitglied complaining that he was gagged feels, because he is not out of the title "Gemakontrolle" out a can, which I can only say: You have not read your contract. As it stands the fact.
The Gema can not own recovery. The make, according to its own data, not in the administrative chaos to sink, who is now the title and who has registered title and not because so next.
Good, given the present computer systems, databases, etc. synonymous available online should think about that time in question.
The Ami's can indeed synonymous.
But the fact is that it is in the contract and who can read, has always been a clear advantage;).
Many greetings
Antwort von Yasmin:
Maybe you give the parties sufficient time to time that their arrangements now in peace and to understand on paper and then bring the user in the form of eg GTC to provide .... Here it is not going to speculate as good .. .. let the people responsible fun times but the time to own everything to make watertight So please, do not let them out a promotional message for the inexperienced "free use" and suggested those involved before the open questions. That they should take the time beforehand. I myself did not understand that the PR is published BEFORE you even know the rules or can be derived. Also I do not understand that I will obediently wait until the legal Page clarified. The message has arrived and once earned, is the sense of PR. And then the actual message but still "legally dubious" be? That these essential issues such as synchronization perfectly legal synonymous been publicly discussed, by the above we Tagesspiegel article clear - "no deal without clarifying these points "..... hmmm ..... so it is assumed that the PR is synonymous with the final regulations has parat.
With "speculation" then of course you have to expect if something is made public and if not even a demand for a clarification of GEMA brings. And let's face it: who (from the audience) believe in this press release is not that easy to use everything he could?
Therefore, I can with my understanding, not as generous as Marcus. And therein lies my critique s.dieser information policy.
This is not simply a Gema game, play as are a lot more with, and worldwide. "Not only" closes the "GEMA game with - in Germany GEMA is the institution for these matters, but good that Marcus again next out. Thus the PR Undruchsichtigkeit still apparent.
You have not read your contract. As it stands the fact. I imagine at times that most of it very well have read. But nothing changes s.der fact that the association that represents and protects you, so synonymous simultaneously knebelt. It is the only association which existed in Germany to do so. Man has no choice and must consider whether the protection obtained by GEMA on the net recovery is. This is worthy of criticism. In times of Internet nunmal looks quite different than it was 15 years for example and it is regrettable that the first option for GEMA members for self-realization through the integration of YouTube. One would have wished that they had a solution synonymous at the urging of many members and has developed not only with a "deal" with YouTube.
Antwort von EDXF:

[quote = "Anonymous"]
So please, do not let them out a promotional message for the inexperienced "free use" and suggested those involved before the open questions.
I ask you, ......
When has the press release rausgegeben that RED a digital movie camera on the market?
When has the press release rausgegeben that Sonydie EX brings to the market and how much time is between the messages and show the actual elapsed?
This really is more than normal and speed everywhere and Might.
Dat is' really now what to shake of the head, honest ,......
Thus the PR Undruchsichtigkeit still apparent. No..
This attempt is not only more confusion.
The Gema knows everybody. But who knows because the GVL and the IFPI and other rights?
I imagine at times that most of it very well have read. but nothing changes s.der fact that the association that represents and protects you, so synonymous simultaneously knebelt. [/ quote]
Because I know some work, the more knebelt;).
One must not enter into it. Nobody has been forced to join the Gema.
If I do not fit the conditions, do I manage my rchte or even just leave it an agent of my choice to do so. this is my right and of course, possible.
This can be an artist just as synonymous his manager or a lawyer can make.
I have written that they think about gagging quite worthy.
But I do not understand those who complain about Gema, because they still oh so very knebelt.
Should they read the contract and if he does not meet them, do not.
But it was received and then moan? Dat is not ';-)
Many greetings
(PS: If the host a name synonymous? (Is' ne rhetorical question ;-)))
Antwort von Beethoven69:
I ask you, ......
When has the press release rausgegeben that RED a digital movie camera on the market?
When has the press release rausgegeben ... only because such methods s.der agenda, I will restrict my criticism to not give up ;-) Especially the YouTube message will guarantee a much wider scope and effect was, as for example a Sony or RED-reporting for specific professional equipment. GEMA and YouTube have a different audience - one that is not so self-critical, or a PR message vs. behave. stands. It was about a deal which, in respect of the oltene of music industry is a socially acceptable solution and a clean YouTube "ensures the previous information of GEMA regarding the copyright and this is not given.
But I do not understand those who complain about Gema, because they still oh so very knebelt. The I know that in the 90 member, are for the most part is no longer a member - just because of the Internet and their own possibilities. If so much depends on how it operates. Synonymous But that does not change the fact that GEMA operates a monopoly and it has no choice whether to protect its rights or synonymous to own rights in order to abandon - is a question of principle. Of course, "must be" nothing ....
We can be the most "Normalos" saying that the YouTube deal GEMA PR in general suggests that the use of GEMA material "allowed" (as it is synonymous here some writer had understood, and certainly not only here), while GEMA (unauthorized because otherwise unable) says that the copyright is still observed and the corresponding permission is suggested which is a flat-rate-legitimate uses konterkarriert again. I quote ...
... entitled to use the global repertoire of musical works ... ... how else can we understand when one's Copyright Act and the PR-friendly formulations are not familiar? (Rhetorical question) ;-)
As I said, my concern is a matter of principle. The message bezgl. YouTube is striking, the legal situation, therefore it is important to address this.
PS: Of course I have a name! :-) Perhaps I should here and register ....
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

... now there are already three pages for one simple fact:
- The publication of a video is no GEMA fees cost;
- GEMA has with the consent of the artist's nothing to do.
I wish I would advocate for copyright
specialist, I could seem to make millions with ;-)
Antwort von daniil:

@ Andreas ..... "simple fact" ... You see the way I synonymous, synonymous others ... But many others have completely misunderstood, as they do not know the UrhG. I will again today at the GEMA call again and try to determine whether they themselves know what thing. The employee admitted to GEMA in the last call to my question "Is the press release is not misleading?" a clear "YES!" that he understood the message as synonymous, as well by majority of users understood .... as carte blanche.
Antwort von EDXF:

... now there are already three pages for one simple fact:
- The publication of a video is no GEMA fees cost;
- GEMA has with the consent of the artist's nothing to do.
I am not sure whether the latter impression (d. Consent artist) created by me.
If yes: That is not my statement.
As a
commercial producer, is the order relatively simple, so you look at the (financial) insanity do want titles from the Gemarepertoire to use:
1: It requires the permission of
phonogram producers, same, eg a CD ever to use the music with his own work too.
The phonogram producer is the so-called performance and creditor protection law will be same with him up and possibly compensation.
2: It requires the permission of the publisher plate, or the artist, who mostly represented by the publishing house, which is
a piece of music to use.
That is, as I said, by the artist, but is usually obtained from the publisher and the company and is the so-called manufacturing and synchronization rights.
3rd: It requires the permission to reproduce and / or publication.
This right is in the Gema and sought compensation.
If the manufacturing rights for submission of production in the absence thereof Gema, Gema can clarify with this right.
One has only about 6 months and have to take a bill, which you might not expect. BMG Music Publishing as an example, take, depending on the timeliness of the title between 3 - to 5-digit sums
per title. I prefer to clarify something in advance ;-).
So, that is, of course, the procedure for
commercial productions.
But even synonymous in the case of publication, if these non-synonymous occurs.
Remains to be seen how Gema and YouTube treaties with the representatives of the publishers and record companies have, or may be.
These framework agreements are quite common. TV stations expect synonymous only with their packages from the Gema (course give a Comparison limping, because they have so the broadcast state contracts, to protect her and to so many entitle ...).
A look into the neighboring country of Austria also makes this clear. There are small producers, film-like wedding, the so-called "contract photographers, enabling them against a flat fee of, I think 5% music use. Applies only to the reproduction and publication for
not only for a very limited quantity. But nevertheless, there are such contracts (but not in D).
Long story short,
Remains to be seen as largely agreeing with the Gema and the other is involved and what their rights and acknowledge the other settlement might be.
The publication is resolved, it is clear from the press release so clear. The rest remains to be seen.
It should be noted that of course I'm
not a lawyer and just from my practice as a commercial producer can write.
I too am mortal and makes mistakes, so ask for corrections if necessary.
This is my personal knowledge, has grown both through my lawyer specializing in media law, as synonymous with appropriate consultations and numerous telephone conversations with the publishers and Gema (mainly BMG) in the course of time.
Wanted to ensure no confusion, just a little background knowledge.
Hope that helps.
Many greetings
Antwort von urmel:

After further discussions with the GEMA I have "officially" to find out: GEMA can only say that what happens in the press release of Google / GEMA to read (oh-ne). On specific points, such as "synchronization rights", etc., they can not enter. The fact that the current legal situation has not changed and the usual rules apply, it is clear.
A "legal security" against claims of GEMA fees is the YouTube user with the "agreement" - for he must not pay.
A "legal certainty" for example, before or at worst omission prompts warnings by the rights holders for the unauthorized use is implied with the "agreement" is not.
... the term "legal certainty for YouTube user" comes of GEMA-executives, but he was obviously only on GEMA itself ;-)
Only a blanket agreement with YouTube, for example of the German Music Publishers DMV (and many others, or their members) could apply to the YouTube user synonymous "legal certainty" in terms of synchronization legal authorization to use or bring. Lt. GEMA was the DMV prior to the YouTube agreement with GEMA included. Whether and what arrangements were made (with the DMV or other) is unfortunately not publicly known, but it would be decisive for the question of "permission to use".
So I see the use of GEMA music in their own YouTube videos is generally not demanding free. One is on the tolerance of the publisher / author, etc. dependent - strictly legally (I think) it fails against the Copyright Act, if you have no consent deadline ... synonymous with YouTube. Where plaintiff does not because there is no judge, but "legal certainty" is not.
Antwort von cmbfilm:

THANK YOU for the informative information!
Well then you should be in the music selection of "smaller" bands or DJs contact and obtain their release. This one should be legally "clean" position. It was always a step sometimes if you have a "direct" source and has for example direct contact with musicians taking after their pieces there has listened.
As you get is certainly much easier to release than on a demand for a large music publishing.
Antwort von cmbfilm:

Upon written demand to the DMV (German Music Publishers Association) bezgl. the synchronization rights to YouTube now there was an interesting answer:
The agreement between GEMA and YouTube is basically synonymous referring to the synchronization rights. Only works if the "black list" are used (because the originator is not released), they may not be used.
That is sometimes very positive, however, raises the question as to what the "black list" is and where you can see this ?.... anyone know?
Interesting synonymous that GEMA bezgl. the synchronization rights according to no information - in addition to the "what in the press release to read" - can give. The DMV may seem.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

A look into the neighboring country of Austria also makes this clear. There are small producers, film-like wedding, the so-called "contract photographers, enabling them against a flat fee of, I think 5% music use. Applies only to the reproduction and publication for not only for a very limited quantity. But nevertheless, there are such contracts (but not in D).
Since we are in Germany, apart of some statutory prohibitions have complete freedom of contract, such contracts would be allowed here and feasible. On copyright, it can not lie, which in Austria is pretty much the same as here.
Missing the market power of the demand?
Antwort von EDXF:

[quote = "Andreas_Kiel"]
Missing the market power of the demand?
Looks very very much out.
Both from my conversations with the Gema as synonymous with some music sounded clear, that the effort to seek "small producers, and productions of" caring too high.
It seems to require only an association before it is taken seriously and we recognize that many small producers synonymous profit can bring.
One would think that given the large but now s.kleinen Produktionefirmen number in the event, BM, image and etc. Hochzeitsfilbereich operate, a certain change takes place.
That seems not to be the case.
It feels rather than the Klotz s.Bein ......
Admittedly, the BMG has at least a little bit more about me explains that and why a rights clearance in the U.S. usually 4 - to 5-digit amounts can cost.
Especially in film scores, it is very expensive.
Understandable one, given the structure of the film industry and who is everything in any way rights inne holds incomprehensible other hand, if you see that ultimately, but a central administration possible and would be useful ..... if you only wanted to.
My impression.
Many greetings
Antwort von Seb_:

Interesting discussion!
What struck me as an artist / author would be interested in the question is, HOW to Youtube and GEMA have agreed. A precise Royalty-title billing for the author, whose music is used, it is unlikely to give.
There are probably a few million into a pot of s.Ende among Mr. superstar producers, etc. will be distributed.
Antwort von studio tre:

I have not yet all fully understood ...
if I now have a video with music on Youtube uploading, so I have the blessing of GEMA, but not by the authors. As was written here, the video can still be removed because urheberrechtsverlezung, or you get even a warning.
But neither rausgenommen if the video is still, if you get a warning, the first legal consequences. If I rausnehme the video, I get so no display, nor do I have to "damages" or similar pay, like my big brother because he has a Music Sharing Program distributed.
So I see correctly that basically no legal concerns must be - only to be expected that the video must rausnehmen?
Antwort von EDXF:

if I now have a video with music on Youtube uploading, so I have the blessing of GEMA, but not by the authors. As was written here, the video can still be removed because urheberrechtsverlezung, or you get even a warning.
That is so not true.
The Gema represents indeed the author.
If the Gema now says, "You have our blessing" so that copyright may be clarified.
Not clear, however, the manufacturing and performance rights.
This has nobody mW authentic and officially expressed.
So I see correctly that basically no legal concerns must be - only to be expected that the video must rausnehmen? I would personally start times with "no" answer.
If the above production & performance rights and may not be compensated, then there is still a legal offense.
At least until the competent authorities of not clearly confirms that we must take every medium and with any production must combine, I would personally be careful.
Many greetings
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

At least until the competent authorities of not clearly confirms that we must take every medium and with any production must combine, I would personally be careful.
I would not synonymous because the air on it to stop and wait until the confirmation comes ... it will in fact not. On YouTube (and other similar sites) is so much scrap that, the artists resist, that every
baby-flies-on-the-face or
Opa-sick-to-the-wedding cake with her video pieces deposited.
Packages will very likely never was. How then should synonymous revenue come from? Clips would be good to the musicians (rightly) want to earn something. YouTube would then be charged.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von m_esperanza:
(...) This is wrong, the music is with the purchase price paid. (...)
No, you have not paid for the music, but a specific use authorization. This includes usually only listen to the private sector, as well as never using a video that will be published somewhere. ... More and more private individuals with small camcorders cheap (like me) are
probably the problem, in the circle to commemorate a hobby movies
as documentation of their joint trip / vacation to distribute to the most
End in a cupboard for decades disappears. Sure, that as a replacement Knack
for disturbing background road noise synonymous Music is being used, or synonymous
the general mood in the special play area, and clear
that it is synonymous partially on Gema music do not want to / can.
So how can the artists and the synonymous Gema their proper remuneration
submit? So with Gema license Shop and s.die in my case about 5-7 publishers
Write for Rights (how much music excerpts Gema are liable, I know
not yet), I am not far away. The formal and time spent is
disproportionately high for private movie-maker. For them, it is unlike
organized film factories and TV stations with their own departments
practically not possible to perfectly clean and the implementation of so much time has
None so in private.
As a viable alternative, I see only one way: You buy as many
Music CDs or correct any downloads of music as one piece of persons in the
That will be expensive, adopted at 7 titles can easily be $ 1000 if
you have a coach with normal people is based. But well, when
next time then another drankommt. (Ironically it is only that many
these cuttings at home with these people for as many CDs in full
However, in this way is None financially damaged, I think.
What is it with rights from the author? Since everything in principle, via the
Individual copies for each person in private, it should be sent to the portable.
(None of the group would like to see images on the Internet, which is only incidentally
noticed.) In the worst case, one must understand the movie technically live links
build, so the music is extra on the disk in a folder and the
Film will be passed separately. Then each user is himself responsible for
but can in principle be easily cut the finished docu-movies anschauen
on his PC, and who wants to have Blu-ray disc burn (for themselves).
The fact that the whole thing, but the technical effort synonymous specifically the formal effort to
absolute disability of the young people of the suspicion pushes itself
on (na whether this is right).
(I do not even speak of the fact that the number of
Combinations in the Music of reasonable assumptions s.Harmonie mathematically
is limited, ie it will soon be no genuinely new music anymore, which falls
now on how much some of the titles are similar, there are only a few sounds
and background sound different. So should not it only as an expiration time
patents give? Good, the 70 years there.)
At any rate, should Gema but with the above alternative proposal satisfied
, it is estimated by the 5-10-tray. Will the
Authors / Artists consent rights, but because there is no public performance
synonymous and no internet thing and also in the private sector is playing, it should
but the compromise is acceptable, or? At least, financial fraud is probably
None more body.
I would be very much for the "gut feeling" in this case as synonymous of Mr.
Andreas Kiel interested, if he reads this mail, but all other synonymous
Opinions are welcome.
I have 2 questions: 1) Does anyone know a good portal, where you have 20-40 licenses
of a title at the same time, download, or just the licenses s.besten
for individual music tracks of CDs to MP3s or WAVs I need not in the
2) Why biet
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

2) Why is the GEMA not as a fixed-contract s.für as amateur filmmakers in coach groups?
Since then synonymous Gema equal lump-sum contracts for amateur filmmakers in rabbit breeding associations (etc.) would have to offer ;-)
There are cheap "Music flatrates" Royalty in the field. Perhaps there would be an alternative for you?
Antwort von mentao:
Antwort von EDXF:

Quote of m_esperanza
More and more private individuals with small camcorders cheap (like me) are
perhaps the problem ..... Sure, that as a replacement Knack
for disturbing background road noise synonymous Music is being used, or synonymous
the general mood in the special play area, and clear
that it is synonymous partially on Gema music do not want to / can. This prohibits it, but nobody even synonymous.
As a private person but must be considered synonymous.
And you may even up to 8 copies of free love relationship s.die and distribute any of those as well.
This is indeed "only" to the
publication (and commercial use).
As long as everything remains in the private context, synonymous but there are no problems.
When a publication is already different.
Quote of smooth-appeal
Why has not the GEMA a fixed contract so s.für amateur filmmakers in coach groups? Good question.
The Austrians can indeed synonymous. See "Contract photographer"
But the synonymous does not include the publication of works, only a certain number s.Kopien.
Aimed synonymous s.Gewerbetreibende, primarily wedding filmmakers, etc.
Many greetings
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... As a viable alternative, I see only one way: You buy as many CDs ... how people in the group is at ... ... 7 songs ... easy $ 1000 ... the movie technically live build links ... Your thoughts in honor, but you're working on a nonexistent problem: If you have your film and leave it for you for fun doing a video, you do not publish, then this is for GEMA on any topic. You can use the music, and it's good. Whether you are traveling alone or with warst 50 other people on the bus, there is absolutely no preference ;-)
The fact that the whole thing ... ... an absolute hindrance to the young people of the suspicion pushes itself to ... The vast majority of amateur filmmakers would certainly not be hindered, but at least abkassiert if the GEMA for them would be interested.
... GEMA has really something for all areas, but s.die amateur filmmaker thinks they are not ... If GEMA of you in the form proposed s.die amateur filmmakers would think, you have to s.sofort pay for something you previously quite legally can do for free. The cry of the amateur film community, I would like to hear! Whether any youtube movie with Madonna or Tokio Hotel aufgepeppt be, it seems to me, however, of a priori doubtful. In general, I am grateful for every movie that does not believe, with every second Gedudel music inferior to - just because less is often more.
For commercial productions such as the traditional wedding videos is of course something else, as would a takeover by the Austrian solution certainly a step forward.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von derpianoman:

And the practice, dear friends:
The complete collection of all the rights would be actually the end of each little "Our Easter Holidays 2008" movies, then Aunt Frieda beautiful resin and Birte how big it has become, shows ...
Once I start, correct me should I sell the very issue to heart. But how is it so beautiful? Where plaintiff does not, because no judge ...
Interesting would be, who with the production will have a look at the "Po"
fell and dragged before the court and was asked to pay.
I suspect that we have because no one in our ranks will be.
If it does: Please!
As the top has already endorsed: the professional producer
Of course everything has rights in the grips, the lawyer warns us,
because he knows what is .. and all so we do next as usual.
So long! Klaus
Antwort von Flo_vdH:

The problem is in my opinion, but not with the GEMA fees, but in the coercion, the holders of the rights to ask for permission.
Two examples:
1. Production
30,000 DVD with product ideas. On the DVD about 2-3 min GEMA Obligatory Music (title tune in a TV broadcast of television product is licensed, so synonymous release to use the Music). My cost of GEMA: 37.00 ¬!
2. Production
500 DVD with a summary of the event. The event was, as usual, unfortunately, sprinkling with a duration of current pop music by the organizers, the event logged by GEMA without the rights of artists need to be, not even a track list had to be.
I had the unpleasant Tonsprünge to avoid the O-sound-track to pass through, and something to cut the music. Mind you, it was the O-Sound!
According to Mr Dauster of GEMA is no possibility of the application, as the GEMA a list of titles Calls (the lack of music knowledge, I can not deliver) and the release of the rights owner requires.
Pressing this DVD would be illegal!
A solution is not according to GEMA.
Now I have the movie in several parts on Youtube, which sponsors are happy, I thank Money GEMA in the sand set.
A colleague from the United States deserves a similar film with his money, because the local manager is not so pisselig.
In sum, the Gema fees are not bad, only one the GEMA is no possibility to apply the films.
A (with intent) anonymous guest
Antwort von derpianoman:
... According to Mr Dauster of GEMA is no possibility of the application, as the GEMA a list of titles Calls (the lack of music knowledge, I can not deliver) ... That is an entirely new problem! Ran a radio problem in the background could be from the sender get a list? Ran the house mp3 program one would have to be so only by about 2 to 3000 Title burrow - and BINGO! ;-)
Because they will probably play at random?
Perhaps that's the big hour of music scholars?
But are already in the 21st Yrs. arrived?
Who can help? A software that detects the titles, jibbetes already?
I doubt it.
VG! Klausi
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Ran a radio problem in the background ... Some radio programs are indeed aptly characterized ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von siematic:

It is much worse ... partly for the presentation was the music of a DJ mixing ... who knows with the hip-hop Jedöns yet.
The anonymous guest
Antwort von paul:

Now there is already a very lengthy but theoretical analysis of the subject.
"Who dares nothing, nothing wins" So I took the practice test and compatriots what happens. I have a fairly recent song to the musical accompaniment of a video and used erhilet directly after the upload of the following email youtube
UMG has for some or all audio content in your video "*********" claims. This claim was part of the program for identification of contents YouTube claimed.
Your video is still displayed because UMG to use this content on YouTube has authorized. As long as UMG claims on your video there, that person can public statistics about your video such as the number of calls request. On the Page on your video may be synonymous ads.
UMG has for such content as part of the program for the YouTube Content Identification of a right claimed. YouTube enables its partners to videos on YouTube content to check s.denen they have rights. Partners may find of Video - Audio and matches our automatic system or manual review videos.
You have the following options:
Nothing to do
Your video will continue uninterrupted throughout play.
If you believe that this claim has been wrongly charged or that you otherwise on the use of the authorized content, you can in UMG appeal. You will be guided through a web-based form and your dispute will be reviewing next.
If you are objecting to the claim, we give the alleged copyright holder access to the video. Only then can the rights holders consider the objection. This is regardless of the privacy settings you selected for the video did. If your video is private and you do not want the alleged rights holder to consider the objection, we can not accept. If your video is private, this is the right holder when viewing the video indicated. In addition, privacy and confidentiality of your videos are respected. I think in conjunction with the press release of the GEMA and the knowledge of the above approach can be regarded as amateur filmmakers certainly calmed his videos on youtube post.