Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Young Final Cut Pro editors with too little sense? Of rob - 25 Mar 2008 11:19:00 Scott Simmons of Studio Daily apparently annoyed about some young Final Cut Pro editors. He claims the popularity of Final Cut Pro is a downside: Too many young editors call therefore too early to "editor" without the basics of broadcasting standards, color correction, on-and offline editing EDL understood to have - in his opinion seduces Final Cut Pro semi ...
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Antwort von Franz Peter:

I can only agree ...
I myself do not work with Final Cut Pro, but when I look at YouTube, such as 14-18 years of their "Final Cut Pro unboxing-video" to upload and then still tell that it is a gift of the bonze-parents, as bursts my collar.
Many filmmakers would be happy with such a software cut, but it can not lesiten, but they probably have more idea than the local young people.
Under I know now not to transmit specialized knowledge standards, color correction, on-and offline editing EDL (which I myself do not synonymous)
but rather the program worthwhile to use them effectively, with the workflow are addressed. And I can not for the young people imagine.
Antwort von Franz Peter:

I agree.
Is it synonymous in this forum very closely observed when any of these editors, then asked how from Final Cut s.besten on Digibeta ausspielt, and then how to make the technical preload.
Interesting is to observe that it is on Windows side are very rare. This is probably the fact that most of the Media Composer is used for young creative is not really affordable.
Synonymous, I must say that this is synonymous in the print area occurs. I recently had to recognize that someone not even knowing how he uses crop, and previously with the words "I work at MAC, as well as all the major print companies' herumeiferte ...
Antwort von cstuder:

Only with times of peace.
Final Cut Pro has become cheap, so it was a lot for Beginners for the first time ever possible with such tools to work. I belong to these synonymous.
That is not the beginning of the whole s.gleich possesses expertise is therefore hardly surprising. And this know-how to exactly the same as it used to be learned. (Eg Why should I use with DV streams, large hard disks and high-performance processors are still offline editing make?)
I feel rather nervous because a generation of technical development, especially in low-budget segment could be overtaken. The production in these lucrative areas will become cheaper and increasingly tough competition.
But only with the rest. Professional Post-production will not disappear just because a bunch of amateurs auto-down button in Color have made.
Antwort von Franz Peter:

Young competition is good. What is bad is that these young competitors thinks everything can be and to be better.
Both the production as synonymous post production builds on experience.
And this experience, young, unfortunately, usually not. You have some good ideas, they try - for lack s.Wissen - many things and then sell the creativity.
But like everywhere you have to be synonymous in the video and film business to worry about unpleasant things, such as technical guidelines and background knowledge. And that all these boys can not.
By the way, I am synonymous (still) relatively young, I've a lot to me synonymous even taught. But I am come to the realization that this was not enough to with the old pros keep up.
Antwort von Franz Peter:

I see the problem mainly in young editors in the way of the cut, including the history management. Since I have over the years far too much s.ungeschriebene standards than I used to with their "final" would agree.
All other guidelines as they learn to positively know if they want to get ahead. Since I personally have fewer concerns.
Antwort von Jörg:
in his opinion, seduces Final Cut Pro semi ... probably an accurate statement.
I would not, but Final Cut Pro, want to limit ...;--))
Antwort von Axel:
Young competition is good. What is bad is that these young competitors thinks everything can be and to be better. There is Final Cut Pro Schnösel from the above reasons. I would like the software but do not chalk that it is easy to learn. For me though, "awesome" to the adjectives that I use cautiously.
Antwort von Shackleton:

If you are thinking about such matters, is to be regretted, is not it?
Of course it is annoying when "colleagues" do not understand their craft.
But which "tailor" is already a
ungeweihten Final Cut Pro owners in great danger?
Is it not the industry, the bad and accept the craft skills of the real "Schneider" not to appreciate it?
Must be the grandfather of a true "Schneiders" in the 30 years in LA s.Tisch cut in order to be allowed to call?
Do I have my Steinway grand piano to give back, just because I s.Rachmaninow fail?
Amused greetings from unrelated
Antwort von PowerMac:

You should have mastered the craft, if you professionally or simply "good" wants to work. But the craft, you can easily learn. The fact that young, creative people to buy a program and begin to cut films. Yes and? Have I find it silly when bad films.
That the "old" yell as the "boy" without a clue or unconventional approach that there are always. Usually it develops a new culture. As with just Youtube.
Antwort von Franz Peter:
Usually it develops a new culture. As with just Youtube. And what is your opinion on Youtube culture?
The quality (both technically and in content, in full view) remains on the track.
Antwort von Chezus:

It is with all so that people with little idea and a lot of coal with which to buy things they can not cope.
Whether or Final Cut:
Mountain bike a 3000 euro (for him to go to school)
MacBook Pro (in order to hear music)
a 1000 euro snowboard that after the snowboard course again in the basement is
Is it clear that professional sons and daughters are not with the Movie Maker or iMovie satisfied, but that's everywhere.
That is still a long way so that the program is bad just because cheaper than an Avid editing system.
I'm with the cheap programs at the beginning s.meine limits, but have good results so obtained. With Final Cut Pro is holding a lot better and it can hardly ausreizen.
What cares. Should the boys, talent-free, with Cutter halt play around Final Cut Pro. Mir is the black .... no preference
Antwort von icke:

Broadcasting standards, EDL, etc. have nothing directly with Final Cut Pro to do. There are technical basics that any good editor, it must have no preference with which application he is working. The real reason there are 2 points: 1 Everyone at home is an expensive workstation hinstellt and somewhere in the software concerned has called s.nächsten day for the editor. 2. People say: I am not a technician, but a creative, such a nonsense. Anyone with the technology to do so, it should provide a basic understanding of technology to bring, what not preclude creativity.
Antwort von Franz Peter:
I agree.
Is it synonymous in this forum very closely observed when any of these editors, then asked how from Final Cut s.besten on Digibeta ausspielt, and then how to make the technical preload.
You speak to me from the soul! That is so! For ages: I have unfortunately been "amateur filmmakers / editors" with 10 years seen! They should prefer to do rather than finish school herumposaunen!
I have been a little over 2 Jahrn with general theory, where the resources are very poor, where you can get her info. Even the "Classifieds" to 0 e-mails! But I'm looking for next.
Antwort von Franz Peter:

Hello colleagues,
the debate would have infinitely many facets. But times asks Keith Richards guitar after his diploma - or Bruce Springsteen - please add your favorite one.
So an official / academic / education is not an appropriate basis for any professional or artistic and professional work. It is only a consensus in principle assumes that a certain conclusion brings certain skills - which is surely so :-)
I think I just started as an autodidact like many other's here and I think I just stayed in the study. Is almost more of an attitude adjustment and a learning method. Durchs interest you learn, no preference whether a 5 or a 50-year, no preference whether swimming, Final Cut Pro or mini.
But what is perhaps the crux of the matter is, the criticism is that some colleagues will stand up and mash hot sell at the first opportunity, but again made somewhere for free and ask for advice - but as the days where I've heard: " With full trousers is easy stink ":-)
Ultimately, through a higher market density halt the competition become stronger, but the chaff is still separated from the wheat because the market is obviously not in the mass grows, as producers are, in all segments.
And one thing I find synonymous, which in turn, has only partially with Final Cut Pro to do it so far has been a massive market straightening occurred because it is no longer the 1st argument is a Media Composer and Analog MAZ are having to have to be Cutter go through (or a Moviola or what always synonymous).
Something tells me that the film or DV editing and adjoining areas are only now slowly schön no longer have technical limitations and now in your heyday come - now applies's :-)
schöne Grüße,
Markus KM
Antwort von Franz Peter:

And once again an example. Zero idea of technology, but big rumcutten, the "Known" ... # 281181
Antwort von Franz Peter:

Professionalism is not more so in the many crazy effects, some NLE offers but in the simplest, such as in a primary color correction stinknormalen. Only when such a man under lights, midtones and shadows and although all three color controls including color saturation, then you can look next to the front in terms of further tampering.
But even these basic things, only with a solid training and / or a good eye at all possible and both in recognizing and fairs of contrast, black and white value, and adjusting the Fartemperatur Takes among themselves. If an alleged Cutter with these basics have not flowing around, then there is no need to ever any discussion about further effects, which he gladly would like to lead into the game
Antwort von curtis:

in the film industry is less hierarchy, who `s better and can be a nameless - has the job.
favorable to the expectant technology - all logical follow. More people have faster because of the favorable opportunity to make movies - that stimulates the market and berreichert the total creative potential. Wunderbar.
In my view there are only two situations that could annoy me from:
1) People who are more self-pride with than did adorn: to give people the wrong exhaust pipes s.Ihr car mount, so it looks more. There are women with the help of silicone after "more" look and there is "cameramen", the HDV for 35mm, cutter, the BNC for a health insurance fund and upper field for a phrase from the baseball sports hold. - So what? People always strive for "more" than they are. Old game. To me a wannabe One Man Show takes away a job because the guy is better than my team - ok - won. Do I get the job and not the guy just talks and has nothing on it - it was his last mission of this customer. References speak for themselves and the young will only be filming weddings for people who do not yet have heard of him.
2) I must cooperate with Dampfplauderer said. I have the choice and recognizable it early enough - away from the window and the man has a call away. I have no choice - it is because so far it's working and weaken the hold of the other mask.
So all in all, the comment from the blog is not new - more evidence of poor order situation of writers - and a little bit of wounded vanity.
Today, every person with a few Euros to write a book and to install - as it was before or a few decades, let alone centuries? So ...
Antwort von Valentino:

So I have about seven years starting with the Windows Movie Maker Of Me cutting. Because I just was not enough, I then changed Media Studio 6.5 and at the time was still green behind the ears.
Today I can say of me that I each available on the market in its Videoporgramm Basics do, with my focus clearly lies with the Media Composer.
I do all these synonymous video standards and knows how to make a broadcast HDCAM tape for ARTE making and can be a somewhat ablessen oscilloscopes. Am I now a good cutter, because I have this whole standards and technical Schnikschnak do?
In my eyes, no. I have already collaborated with the editors of the Max-Opüls and German Film awards and these people still have no idea why you need legal colors or know how to create a Picture for a FAZ farbestimmt correctly. There are colorists and broadcast technicians.
I know even the editors claim that this whole technology and it only distracts itself so synonymous not want bigger deal.
Antwort von Chezus:

Will I get a shitty, boring trailer for my event or my company has cost the sauviel only because the cutter has a diploma?
No. I will not! Because I can take the 12 year the better, but gets out of EDL has no idea.
Ich hab mir synonymous everything taught self-study because I was not the wherewithal for the SAE hab.
BTW now I Already 2 Known, the father of her SAE get paid because they want to but toot of bubbles and have no idea. The times do not know what they want to do afterwards. The SAE seems cool to be cool and you learn things. Wow, what a setting.
There are me the Junior Cutter prefer a 500-1000 euro instead of getting the program to which 14,000 euros in the A. .. blown because they are not sociable enough to have a lesson.
Fact is: a study in this area is not exactly cheap. This self-financing is not easy. Why stir since None of the boys on unsuspecting?
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

Fascinatingly with how much fervor here is some approach ...
Ultimately, everyone gets the right order. The 12-year-old Junior is certainly not an image film for Porsche or Glashuette produce and even talking about changing the cutter is teste (despite Final Cut Pro knowledge p.60 not ;-) million Hollywood blockbuster herumschnippeln allowed.
Antwort von Flo_vdH:

But the problem resolves itself but organically.
The people who really can not be your product is going to YouTube, but not for the acceptance of ARTE.
Should they call it as they want.
Or is the s.der Kittel credulity, something that only can be synonymous who has a diploma for?
Antwort von nemomen:

.... and have very little idea of standards, or send such a rubbish, then please the handwerker for me, if the extent is.
but unfortunately, knows no one except me, that I am the genie in the film area and bin it is not yet come to any engineer that I could say: "ey pass the time, please send s.die standards to!"
a real misunderstood ...
Antwort von SusinaBerlin:

and even talking about changing the cutter is teste (despite Final Cut Pro knowledge p.60 not ;-) million Hollywood blockbuster herumschnippeln allowed. No, because with the Avid cut ;-)
Antwort von ischmirfad:
.... and have very little idea of standards, or send such a rubbish, then please the handwerker for me, if the extent is.
but unfortunately, knows no one except me, that I am the genie in the film area and bin it is not yet come to any engineer that I could say: "ey pass the time, please send s.die standards to!"
a real misunderstood ... Well, but you're REALLY good at it, what?
Antwort von PhilippHH:

The real problem lies quite elsewhere:
Hardly a "cutter" of the NEXT generation has ever a broadcaster, let alone a film copy of the inside work.
Without the slightest of curves Verständinis is gamma values gefachsimpelt. Without ever something of the Inter Carrier proceedings to have heard, the White pulled up, so that it only "crashes" and as in Absynthrausch after Van Gogh style s.Farbräumen rotated.
Anyway, what are decibels? How do I know that not-9dB-9dB are? BetacamSP, DigiBeta, IMX - the cartridges are the same size but synonymous.
If a movie is not by the Technical Prüfabnahme goes, starts the big shrug. For the "Cutter" perhaps "not quite the best run," the producer for a disaster.
I want the creative input of young junior editors do not miss it. None has, and deserves to be abused. Learn all we need. Only today are the conditions for newcomers mieserabler today than ever. From whom will they still learn, even if the production companies None has more of a clue. Welcome to the new world.
It is time the young a real chance, and here are the professional associations and organizations demanded. Since time immemorial is only allowed to call a photographer who has learned his craft. Why should film and television at all otherwise?
Philip of Cape mr
Select Film, Hamburg