Frage von Moritzk:
Hello Forum
Is it possible his YouTube user name change? Would like to keep my account with that, but other just under a user name?
Does anyone schonmal changed his user name and I can now tell the tale?
Through google I have received only a few statements that it is not possible, but one probably it will work out with a mail s.den support.
Anyone who has had experience?
It is furthermore possible to disable the counter of the views?
Thank you for answers
Best regards,
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Both questions probably s.den support - the only question is why do you want to hide your counter / Views? Where there is the sense?
If the number hits at your videos for so long as she takes away the whole place `-?)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Moritzk:

I think the view's rate the videos so much!
So a little video with View's can only be so bad ... the struggle for the majority's view, I do not want with.
The real reason is but I need a new profile and as reluctant to start at 0 like ... well seen view of the number.
Antwort von Mantas:

youtube of the counter is not synonymous to use really, I know, right?
Antwort von Moritzk:

Well look at it a lot but ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes so if you pick up my girl ne class Asian puking in front of the Hofbrauhaus, it will probably get the more clicks
as an example
ne successful documentary or a Short Film
Ergo on Youtube have to stop often just post shit to correct many clicks to get ;-)
If that's ok I do not like my many clicks reflects the quality of a work.
I only believe some companies and studios can embed in your channel then the same clip NEN NEN is as banner ads.
But after question time.
Otherwise, stop doing NEN on Vimeo account, one still do not have, right?
If the channel shut your ShowOff
B. DeKid
Antwort von pilskopf:

But who would click on your videos if, in contrast to the other videos absolutely no views? As containing only helps viral advertising and happiness.
I believe that one can hide on Vimeo, but am not so sure.
Antwort von Juppo:
I think the view's rate the videos so much!
So a little video with View's can only be so bad ... the struggle for the majority's view, I do not want with.
The real reason is but I need a new profile and as reluctant to start at 0 like ... well seen view of the number. How now? Have I been drinking too much or degree you really write that you want to make a new profile because your views are then gone, but really want to hide your views eh? Vlt xD I'm too drunk: D
But mark your problem;)
Antwort von pilskopf:

Moritz, pros Join Vimeo, which is much gscheit and you ne super quality and influence. Can upload 5 GB per week I think. The statistics are synonymous quite nice, but I habs made because of the quality and just the download option for others. And so unknown Vimeo is not synonymous, Sophisticated videos are out there, and that there just may make you see Views s.meinem LBB, over 300,000 views in 2 months.
The best is s.Vimeo may want to replace the video at any time and can thus change a version upgrade, extend, reduce or change the sound or what I know I can do. That's cool, that's not on Youtube I think or I am blind.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Arrg Pils head ;-))
Now try to imagine the Youtube you say about the triple s.Views for ne - as of my recommended cut version of LBB extra person would have -!)
With NEM involved in whitewashing the full version ;-)
But you have just spoken of Viral Marketing ...
B. DeKid