I want to work in AFX with the Timewarp because I want to apply slow motion with Pixel Motion. What I do not understand: if I as a level stretch through time ELONGATION, the video track is as twice as long at 200%. Logical!
When does the Timewarp Although slow motion, but the video track is no longer ... That means if I want to be by the clip Timewarp half run as fast, the second half of the slow rear clip cut off easily. What am I doing wrong? To me it depends mainly on the back of the clips, I need slow down, but if they stretch the video track with no will, cut off anything that goes beyond simple ... That can not be the intention.
Greeting Christian
Antwort von Christian:
I have the solution and I want you not deny this!
First of all, users also seem to agree that with the experience of time, the curvature Videospor is correspondingly longer, rather sinnbefreit is.
It funzt but nevertheless: Timewarp apply, for example, 50% Right click the footage in the project window, Interpret Footage and increase the number of loops, for example, on second Now, you can drag the video track and everything is twice as long on it.
If the values differ, so it's not grad 50%, are not synonymous next bad. Just make as many loops as necessary or as in my case, as it is to 66%, as many two loops. And if the clip is over, he starts of new seamlessly within the video track. Just make this place and find trim the video track.
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