Frage von agrippus:
Hello together,
I had my XH A1 with a small problem. If I (in manual mode) recordings of eg persons make the move (head / back, etc.) are moving in the area a kind of "Zieheffet". Generally the picture is very sharp and well lit. I work in 25p mode, everything else (Focus, Aperture) manual. What could that be?
Antwort von maniero:

Keyword "motion blur". Google and the search will explain the rest ...
Here is a small example link ...:
Antwort von Axel:

Shutter Fixer of 1/50tel, always, either "M" or "TV" program. If it is dark and the gain is exhausted (Phew, that must have been but
very dark), the A1 car otherwise longer exposure times. The shorter but just as bad: Strobo-Effect.