Frage von G:
I would like to see accessories for the live recording of lectures growth: With 2 fixed cameras, the final product will be on IR.
Is it possible in principle, 2 cameras and operators at the same time as a recorder to use, for example, with a head-fixed camera to film and then s.and to other perspectives, the speaker of the second camera darüberzuschneiden? (I would save my other accessories) Is it possible that the two cameras of a laptop from the cutting and remote control to control?
Or what would be the cheapest alternative?
What accessories would you recommend, including cameras?
I have so far just with 1 Camera front view, and would like a bit more professional. I would like to see but, if possible, the time for subsequent postprocessing s.PC save.
Danke & liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Markus:
Is it possible in principle, 2 cameras and operators at the same time as a recorder to use ...? Hi Günther,
no, it is not possible. A camcorder can only be used in Camera-(Recording one's own image)
or in the recorder mode (recording external sources) are operated. Both at the same time or at the touch of another is not possible.
Is it possible that the two cameras of a laptop from the cutting and remote control to control? About Firewire camcorder can not remotely IMO, at least not in the CAMERA mode. There are a Lanc remote control in question, provided that the relevant connections for camcorders have. Possibly, the synonymous over s.Laptop a tool, but it strikes me as unnecessarily burdensome / expensive.
I have so far just with 1 Camera front view, and would like a bit more professional. A little bit more professional means first to invest, because with ¬ 500 when it is not done live cut. Look in the list in the following contribution, for what you yourself consider useful or necessary:
Complete system for live editing
Antwort von megalutzi:
I would like to see but, if possible, the time for subsequent postprocessing s.PC save. Hello,
So with only 2 cameras is the difference between live and subsequent cutting cutting s.PC only small. The live cut needs a larger effort halt in the construction, post falls mainly still on. And with only 2 cameras, I still would not recommend cutting live. It is, but less effort is therefore still a long way. 2 cameras s.PC together to cut, goes really fast if the rotation has issued.
Antwort von G:

Hello Mark & Lutz,
Thank you for your answers! The whole thing sounds quite expensive.
Is there a program with which you s.Laptop a live video editing can do? So that I only need to connect 2 cameras and no additional monitors or mixers need?
If it is not possible, but I would probably live on the cutting refrain. Which program you recommend to the material of 2 cameras zusammenzuschneiden? Currently, I use Ulead Video Studio, but I do not know whether a synchronization of 2 sources so easy.
Once again, thank you love & greetings,
Antwort von megalutzi:

So there are probably a few VJ Programs which can be. However, I think of those not so much. The VJ's are able to make great things with, but the live cut is the performance worse. Because I prefer my system ;-)
For the average s.PC I know Premiere and Avid. Also FinalCut is good. But this are just professional programs. Studio8 Although I've synonymous, but do not (synonymous why?), So synonymous not know whether it could.
Ulead know I unfortunately do not.
Antwort von Markus:
Is there a program with which you s.Laptop a live video editing can do? There's even a whole "laptop" for the Live Editing: The SonyAnycast. This is priced and functional but something very far away of the things I request from your text herauslese.
For a pure software solution must be as fit as I Lutz. In my case, playing the theme synonymous operational safety and as a role, I would not trust the computer must be calculated under the increased sunspot activity is suffering, when you need it. ;-)
So that I only need to connect 2 cameras and no additional monitors or mixers need? There are mixed picture, the multiple images on a monitor can bring. The Datavideo SE-500 would have such a device. As for up to four cameras connection nonetheless and would be the production with a single video monitor feasible.
[Ulead VideoStudio] ... but I do not know whether a synchronization of 2 sources so easy. Proof of the pudding is the eating. With only two sources, the synchronization is very easy using the audio envelope possible.
Antwort von G:

Dear dear Markus & Lutz,
Thank you for your answers. Were helpful. The Anycast is a great thing, but just a little bit more expensive than a laptop ...
Do you have any insider tips, except where one at Ebay, at relatively cheap (used?) Equipment can be?
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von megalutzi:

so economically s.Equipment:
My first video cables come from the SWR television. Hab da as a cable and so help gejobbt know where the garbage container is in the old cable hike. Multiple vorbeigeschaut and always plenty of off-functioning cable.
My mixer I get in an auction (not ebay, there was still a serious competitor ricardo).
Otherwise I have nothing synonymous. With ebay's sometimes still a bargain, but since VJ'ing in fashion are synonymous the old mixer again become more expensive.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Tue perhaps helps in the following discussion Videofourum weter.
It was on such a solution discussed The proposed package could Datenstöme several DV on PC aufnhemen thus helping to bring the subsequent capture is saved. A DV - Mixer program was in progress. The extent to which both programs running simultaneously and combined, I do not know - nor whether the mixing is finished. [/ Url]
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The home page of the discussion in the company's manufacturer The software is titled "Video Tools" to find. The unfinished Programs are
Antwort von G:

Hello Theos,
Interesting link. Thank you! The mixer is not finished yet, but if the times should work, would be a cost of absolutely realistic variant.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von tijuana:

Did you direct demand times? I have an extensive inquiry run, which I still have no answer ...
Antwort von G:

No, I was only on the website and have the info's there to read.