Frage von zteve:
n times if you need actors from kalrsruhe (now do not be ausbieldung or so ^ ^ more like the fun, because of the fun is)
I am 15th ..
notify you if you need me:)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Photos & Reel please!
Antwort von zteve:

what is reel?
I've never s video of me on youtube.
is more comedy, I'm full of stupid tool made ^ ^
somehow reminds me s.luftballons ^ ^
Antwort von PowerMac:

Great socks;)
Antwort von oliver II:

The best s.dem film is the guy.
Antwort von zteve:

lol, was not synonymous seriously the most special video.
what should I anfangn Windwos synonymous with movie maker?
Antwort von PowerMac:

In Camera, idea and implementation is bringing you not even a Quantel something.
Antwort von zteve:

That was just so synonymous made man, I would only s video of me showing. me time so that you can see in 3D ^ ^
is already acting better when I do it seriously.
Antwort von harryhirschi:

, toll now is bad for me.
Can we even call the chamber leadership??
Better to 2d (... and with shoes)!
Build you a set card or profile with a reasonable Stillimage, or let you tinker of someone.
Must indeed be nothing great, everything was just on it are important. Who you are, what you do or have just been gently, thus generating very old ... I think you kapierst what I mean.
For those with videos & photos you put only your own obstacles in the way and you still like it to be a great actor, you take seriously None.
So s.dafür ...
Antwort von nico:
... you take seriously None. This sentence is the only reasonable response to someone who appears here brash with the vocabulary of the millennial kingdom:
.. reporting for service! That he then synonymous nor any of foreboding is affected, rounds out the picture and see.
Antwort von zteve:

oh no preference, if, then I do that just for fun my area is more design or something
Antwort von steveb:

my dear,
Life is hard and unjust ... if you'd read this thread again in 10 years, would be the knowledge .... mistakes are there to be made. And let me tell of the other "adults" were synonymous ... nothing here by 15 and then just have her Bonaza wheel in the corner, the second pickle and put on a Super 8 video camera saved :-)
Antwort von prem:

But anyway, if it needs some nen nen film for 15 years, I have a lot of free time, you report, and am happy when I'm in nem film:)
We certainly funny, and I am ready to work synonymous with serious about.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

N or n is det Mädschen Bubby's in the movie??
The black audio combination is class! How did you do that, Zteve?
Must have been well made in the category "Special effects", which is mentioned in the credits. Maya? 3ds Max? Cinema 4D? Blender? Lightwave? TrueSpace? Did you do all this before Blue / green screen and then the audio or reincomposited you free via rotoscoping? A huge job, but the film really has simply given the total Pepp! Madness!
Antwort von zteve(als gast):

jop I know I'm in the film s ass ^ ^