Frage von rundabout:
Servus Leute!
Does anyone know a page with After Effects Kynetic Typography Tutorials? Special which go in this direction!
Love Greetings
Antwort von B.DeKid:

You again,-P
Jut not so nen tutorial for this exact effect, but ....
Here you have one-to-mask and Typo
Because otherwise there just yet SlideShows with virtual images as an alternative .....
Well but that is because what you are looking for a document, plus drop shadow (; or layers of transparent copy with offset), all with masks is written into the "Picture".
S.and addition to the basic level, rotate (; plus virtual 3D space in AE Camera)
In plain German again - you've got ideas, so you'll hang back and combine several techniques from tutorials and do your own thing!
eg ne idea - you're trying to make particles with the logo, then the moving video Typo .... Combine this yet.
Please bang you some pictures of pleadings nen mach eg walls
And fang s.The things to put in as AE.
Real people with such ideas have yet only just starting times, after a short time, the ner of better times to times!
B. DeKid
PS: And now crouch down in my time and do ne Matte FONG this perhaps by Lutz here AE light from the computer
So un now I'll just see what, boss ;-)
Un While individual particles FX Typo in combination with moving background nem,-P
For all I can write as "B. DeKid is nen Assi" the main thing and the background particles move, which then adjusts already.
Antwort von rundabout:

thanks for the help;)
I'll "only" Directing / Production and Editing ... for the rest still have 7 more people.
ehm and with .. for SFX and the whole shebang I lead werds next, as he stands on it beastly ...
And you know what, as soon as our DVD ferig is, we cordially invite you to our little premiere;)
schreib mir ne PN
Antwort von B.DeKid:

PN gibts hier nich
bgdekid @ hotmail. de
Am tense
B. DeKid