Frage von sunlite:
times have a specific question on the subject alpha channel.
I have a small receptive rotated. dressed in a black person stands before a white wall and sees this.
in the comp should be ready later s.dieser white pictures hanging wall and the black-clothed person sees these pictures. So now I have the white background of the person in black clothes separate. it works but not with the usual keyingmethoden because the material is too crude.
I have therefore this entire image sequence and duplicated it into a black and white picture made. that means. The first person is completely black and the background completely white. then inverted, so that the background is absolutely black and white, the total person. now I have my alpha mask for this scene. the background wall, which is now black, can be weggekeyt and it looks very decent.
Now I have my alpha-szene szene with the original link, so that of the original scene, only the person is white and the wall disappears. I would, finally, that the person is s.ende before pictures. which I must therefore draufbekommen.
with apple's shake the folds with the mask actually quite good, but unfortunately I have no license to shake private and must therefore change to after effects, because a license is available.
with after effects but I know now not so good. So therefore the question.
how do I connect the original scene with the scene-alpha, so that only the person exempted and the background is almost gone?
thank you very much;)
Antwort von Michaela:

The layer with the alpha mask must oberhald of the original (in the timeline) is also the right of the name of the layer you will find the entry track mattes or so (when there is not just press F4) then you choose for the lower layer from this track mattes Menu the alpha entry "name of the upper layer and from the result should be that your person is free.
Antwort von sunlite:

it does not work correctly. I tell me what I have done:
've loaded the image sequence and then to set levels so that the person is very black and the background is very white. then I have a Gaussian blur chen emphasized so that the margins are not sohart and are wrinkled. then the whole inverted.
so is the alpha-sequence finished.
now I have this whole composition into a new composition and pulled again including the original image sequences. So now I, like you said, in the timeline at the top, the black-white sequence and including the raw color image sequences.
in the black-white sequence, I have now in the field chen where the letter "T TrkMat" drüber is clicked (Preserve Underlying Transparency). in the lower-colored sequence, I then made the little popup menu of TrkMat "alpha matte" black and white sequence is selected. next to the "source name" the black-white-sequence "is now a small black icon with white circle is . in the underlying color is a transparent icon with a black circle in it.
to see is still only the top-lying black-white sequence.
it may be that other settings do I need? maybe fashion?
thank you;)
schöne grüße