Frage von Bildausschnitt HV20:
I've now been a week my HV20 and am super happy with it.
Now is miraber noticed a fisheye if you aufgezeichnette on the lcd of the cam sees only small vignetierungen has. transferred to the PC are the vignetierungen suddenly much more available
(ie, previously only in the visual plug on the computer now the entire left and right side)
is the image of LCDs really so different from the cam or is it just me such a problem? synonymous I can post pictures if anyone is interested.
I understand this is not usually the lcd so should pretty much with the really captured bildausschnitt match but that is absolutely not the case ..
what do you think? do you have something synonymous, or is this a bug in my cam?
danke für eure hilfe
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Normally, each characterized Camera s.den pages as well as up / down slightly more than in the Viewfinder / the display. The instructions should stand, how much% of the actually recorded in Viewfinder Picture / display. The more, the more accurate the viewfinder image agrees with the recorded material match. But it is completely normal to make it synonymous SLRs.
On normal TV, these fields again. This is synonymous one reason why the display a smaller picture show. Conversely wärs worse :-)
Those who exactly synonymous want to see in the display, must be with the marks on transparent film affixed there - or remember.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

The magic word for the search is called 'overscan'.