Frage von Filmstadt:
I have a G5 Calculator purchased and used as Dreingabe Apple Motion received. With the registration number and OVP, unfortunately the DVD
content. After loading the Install DVD is the required content and then falls from the box.
The G5 has only a single 1.6 GHz (which corresponds to the mind.Vorausssetzungen), perhaps this is synonymous s.OS 10.5.2?
From the existing apple's instructions (for me) does not necessarily indicate that I must download the content, but perhaps someone NEN tip how to s.die content rankommt?
About ebay or torrent or Muli I find nothing ...
Does it make sense to s.Apple to contact?
Admittedly, the program is so old, but I would have liked to test times.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Which version of Motion?
Antwort von Filmstadt:

version is probably the first one. The booklet is copyright of 2004 ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

That is not always with 10.5.2 ...
The image, however, one could of course download via Bittorrent.