Frage von Detmar:
I want to with a hard-recorded MPEG video
of free advertising, but when cutting wars always an offset
between picture and soundtrack. Say, the film runs asynron.
Cutting I have tried with various programs. Under
others, Nero 7, is seen in my whole still prefer synonymous. WinOnCD
8. Magix Movies on CD u DVD 5, not bad in principle, yes, but I
hab mir habit blanks to save where I get a disk image
for investors and the DVD9 to DVD5 down recoding. And that goes with
little program does not last.
The combination Cuttermaran and Project X is known to me. Apparently, I am
but too stupid Project X to compile. Everything what you downloaded so
needs only warring ichs just not out.
Can anyone give a hot tip, with what programs it is
perhaps to achieve, or the fault is perhaps
somewhere else. Can happen ... :)
Antwort von Carsten Faltin:

The whisper of Detmar resounds through the universe:
> The Combined Cuttermaran and Project X is known to me. Apparently, I am
> but too stupid Project X to compile. Everything what you downloaded so
> needs only warring ichs just not out.
JRE 1.5 install, a compiled ProjectX Download
(File name, in a folder
unpack a. bat file with the following contents:
java-jar ProjectX-v0.90.03.00-20051231.jar
This should run ProjectX.
by Carsten
It may be the warriors who get the glory, but it's the
engineers who build societies.
B'Elanna Torres in Voyager S7E10 "Flesh and Blood Part II"
Antwort von Detlef Wirsing:

Detmar wrote:
> Apparently I'm too stupid Project X to compile.
Already compiled in
Yours sincerely,
Antwort von Uwe Kotyczka:

Detmar wrote:
> I would like to take this with a hard-VCR recorded Mpeg
> Of free advertising, but when cutting wars always an offset
> Between Picture and Soundtrack. Say, the film runs asynron.
VideoRedo Pros.
Antwort von Frank Beelitz:

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 21:57:440100, Detlef Wirsing
Moin Detlef
Thanks you for the link.
FINALLY, I have software that does what I want!
Audio / film shifts with ProjectX belong to the past.
Gruss Frank
> Detmar wrote:
>> Apparently I'm too stupid Project X to compile.
> Already compiled in
> Yours sincerely,
> Detlef
Antwort von Hans-Georg Michna:
On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:59:120100, Frank Beelitz wrote:
> FINALLY, I have software that does what I want!
> Sound / film shifts with ProjectX belong to the past.
even a small tip. If you look at the advertising and herausschneidest
off the top, always cut into the movie and let
no trace left of advertising. You lose more than half a
Second, but the only way you're sure that as the soundtracks
always there and the picture is right.
Sometimes ProjectX generates M2P-(MPEG-2)-files, which a player
like WinDVD to crash or Media Player Classic
irritate the time slider. The fix I needed, by
I use the file using Nero Vision to a DVD conversion, and then
may, when necessary, using VOB2MPG again zurückwandle.
Nero Vision recodiert not, assigns and repaired but
but apparently overhanging sound or image parts.
If someone is a better method or a better program
knows, then I am always synonymous grateful for a reference.
No mail, please.
Antwort von Johann-Bernhard Obermeier:
Detmar wrote:
> I would like to take this with a hard-VCR recorded Mpeg =
> Of free advertising, but the warrior always a cutting offset =
> Between Picture and Soundtrack. Say, the film runs asynron.
> The Cut I have tried with various programs. Under
> Others, Nero 7, is seen in my whole synonymous still prefer. WinOnC =
> 8 Magix Movies on CD u DVD 5, not bad in principle, yes, but I =
> I've habit blanks to save where I Festplattenimag =
> For investors and the DVD9 to DVD5 down recoding. And that goes with
> Little program does not last.
> The Combined Cuttermaran and Project X is known to me. Apparently am ic =
> But too stupid Project X to compile. Everything what you downloaded so =
> Needs only warring ichs just not out.
> Can anyone give a hot tip, with what programs it is
> Maybe to accomplish, or the fault is perhaps =
> Somewhere else. Can happen ... :)
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------=
"VirtualDub" with "VirtualDub_MPEG2 - Plugin" solves the problem. In this =
Combination can I use the program for "DivX - Avis" as synonymous fü =
MPEG2 - Direct Stream apply. Advertising can be so precise frame
rausschneidenund Tonversatz so I had not yet synonymous!
Antwort von Detlef Wirsing:
Johann Bernhard Meier Ober wrote:
>> Can anyone give a hot tip, with what programs it is
>> Perhaps to accomplish, or the fault is perhaps
>> Somewhere else. Can happen ... :)
> ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
> "VirtualDub" with "VirtualDub_MPEG2 - Plugin" solves the problem. In this
> Combination I can program both for "DivX - Avis" as synonymous for
> MPEG2 - Direct Stream apply. Advertising can be so precise frame
> Rausschneidenund Tonversatz so I had not yet synonymous!
Virtual Dub was the first program that I was in my early days
with digital video recordings (DVB) was recommended. Unbelievable
what tips I had got to with a software for AVI to MPEG-2
edit. I say only "through the chest into the eye." But after
now with me in the MPEG-range everything is running, I like to try
from again. Thanks for the tip! The approach of Virtual Dub, I found
was really good. And today I can do even more
worthy, after so many programs I've tried.
Yours sincerely,
Antwort von Detmar:
Oh man, thanks schom all times. I think I probiers because it
times the finished ProjektX download. Had something honest
shit, because I had read grad, is here with a virus
the same name makes wide. And I wanted to now not like to draw.