Frage von alex27:
hello together,
I need a program, with which I can summarize avi movies of various digital cameras into a film. among the programs that I get errors because there are different formats.
thank you very much!
Antwort von jens:

Hi alex27,
do you mean with "digital cameras" Stillimage-clippers or video cameras?
Antwort von Markus:

What Programs do you use?
Antwort von Wolf-007:

Since there are AVI movies, he already thinks shots of a real camcorder.
Only thing I care about.
Why do you want to precisely summarize AVI movies.
This indeed is a huge memory requirements (10 minutes AVI movie
need 2GB).
It would certainly preferable to compress all the videos in advance on MPEG-2
(10 minutes MPEG-2 movie need) 200MB only with very good quality.
Thus, you have that synonymous a single video format.
By the way: A tool that summarizes then individual MPEG-2 video
And in the MPEG-2 video results besides the sound synchronously remains
I look synonymous
Antwort von Markus:
This indeed is a huge memory requirements (10 minutes AVI movie need 2GB). Congratulations to the world of video editing! In view of growing expectant and cheaper hard disks 13 GB per hour, digital video (DV / MiniDV should / Digital8), but not a problem. ;-)
Since there are AVI files (a so-called
Containerformat), sagt das noch nicht viel über deren Inhalt aus. Auch DivX kann eine AVI-File sein.
Wenn es darum geht, einen Videofilm zu editieren, ist es nicht sinnvoll, die Aufnahmen erst zu komprimieren. Damit erschwert man sich u.U. die Arbeit and wenn man Pech hat, leidet synonymous noch die Qualität sicht-/hörbar. Die Compression in das für die jeweilige Anwendung benötigte Format macht man erst s.Ende, wenn alles fertig ist.
Mehr dazu:
Which codec is the best compromise? (And subsequent posts)
Antwort von Wolf-007:
When it comes to editing a video, it makes no sense to compress the images first place.. Is already clear that comes before compressing the Scneider,
just like Alex did not speak, but only by "merging".
Antwort von alex27:

hello, thank you reply for the many.
I have several avis of digital cameras, which all have different kinds of compression, etc.. I want to join in a film no preference which format, or, simply stringing together ..
adobe premiere and tells me to, for example: do not support format
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Everyone,
check the AVI files times with
GSpot. Dieses Videodiagnoseprogramm sagt Dir, welche(n) Codec(s) Du benötigst, um die AVI-Dateien zu verarbeiten. Doch Vorsicht: Installiere nur die Codecs, die Du synonymous wirklich benötigst, keine kompletten Codec-Sammlungen!
Adobe Premiere: Program does not work anymore ... by codec pack installation
Antwort von alex27:

Thank you for your answer!
where can I download the codec and how do I install it in premiere?
then I can then drag the movies with drag & drop into my film bar?
Antwort von Kiara Borini:

There would be an easy way to combine these files. But for that you'll need at least borrow a DV camcorder with an
analog input. Then the outputs of the respective cameras to connect with the Camcpordereingang. Wahscheinlich you need to order the two wires together) one to two "dual RCA female (female / female.
If you then play the video clips and recorded on the camcorder, then afterwards everything should be in the same format / frame rate, and can then be cut beautifully.
The problem is, but maybe the sound that is not spent on some DigiCams via cable, but is an internal piezo-Quakers.
Better is certainly the use of format converters for data-level of service using VirtualDub. But this presupposes that one a little bit with codecs, etc. working. - That can not hurt ;-)
Antwort von alex27:

[quote = "Kiara Borini"] There would be an easy way to combine these files. But for that you'll need at least borrow a DV camcorder with an
analog input. Then the outputs of the respective cameras to connect with the Camcpordereingang. Wahscheinlich you need to order the two wires together) one to two "dual RCA female (female / female.
Thanks for this tip, but unfortunately I can not lend me ... still sounds like "to double weibchen" tempting;)
Antwort von Markus:

... and here the "double females is" sober! ;-)
zum Bild
Antwort von alex27:

Shock Shock;) .... all dreams are gone ...
Antwort von MiXMaster:

about 10min 2gb, edit some of her material speak 1h synonymous uncompressed 100GB