Frage von flex78:
I have been a few weeks with AE and Premiere CS4 s.Arbeiten what makes me great fun, had a Sony Full HD Camera and now of course realize that my PC system is far too slow. (owohl only 1 year old and dual core)
Now my question is, what is the best sysem for After Effects and Premiere, the PC hardware, XP or Vista or is it even wircklich s.besten a MAC zuzulegen?
perhaps this was done in this forum synonymous scho discussed, but unfortunately found only old news and the hardware is changing so fast.
I thank you very much for Your answers ..
Antwort von Chezus:

How old are the contributions are not.
Read by and you'll see that you are synonymous according to the 100th post are not smarter
A matter of taste. I only Apple here, I'm satisfied
Antwort von Wotan:

So the discussion Chezus as proposed is not very interesting, no technical details.
As a professional PC mag I obviously do not synonymous Mac because I prefer my system through and through to understand and configure them. If, however, is not an admin (who actually probably should work on Linux ;-) then surely the MAC cozier decision.
Shortly my thoughts to your question: @ PCvsMAC speed: MAC is for people who use more and less want to tinker. Render times are (at least s.PC) to the format to be edited, so on both systems, the more the match format to be processed, the faster everything goes.
If you s.nem MPEG2 work, then probably both systems show no major differences, there is more to the beat of the CPUs on. As well as MPEG2 codecs usually only 1-2 pips support helps here is not synonymous Quad system.
Look there: + utilization
XP or Vista: XP, very clear. In Vista you have to take too much rumkonfigurieren to provide comparable performance.
Take if you work with large files test synonymous fast harddisks, s.besten RAID0 for the plate with the large files. Synonymous, I'm a fan of RAID0 for system disks ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

MAC is compared with consoles, among the users can say with certainty what is running on your MAC synonymous with another MAC USERS runs.
price and speed of a MAC Purchase can hardly justify to a PC.
PC with XP at the moment I rate at.
Moderate price performance because you're better on the page.
PC systems should always be round 1200 - 2000 euros in order to upscale to play with.
Plates should always be fast, and backup of a NAS should be done.
A round quad system with 6GB memory and 2x 1TB disks and a new fast GraKa are currently recommended.
Otherwise, everything is of course just typed into the blue, because it comes naturally to your wishes and tasks s.die you overcharge your PC.
I use P4 or dual-core workstations and then leave the projects on Xeon server racks render. So I save my expensive workstations and prefer to invest in 19 "racks and use their full computing power.
Kommt halt to the ever useful field.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Wotan:

PC systems should always be round 1200 - 2000 euros in order to upscale to play with.
Plates should always be fast, and backup of a NAS should be done.
A round quad system with 6GB memory and 2x 1TB disks and a new fast GraKa are currently recommended.
If a consumer PC costs 1200 Euro, is almost always a good graphics card in it. graphics card is ausschliessliech for graphical such as games, CAD and similar applications necessary, but not for video editing is crucial.
A NAS with Raid 1 or 5 is, of course, as B.kid says the best course. Depends on your resources and requirements.
Antwort von kiteklan:

Hab echt unfortunately still not much idea. Covered but so far that new graphics cards more and more commands of programs like AE etc support. And thus shorten rendering times, etc.. Is that wrong?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes the new generation of GraKa s help, if it supports Softwear - some rendering tasks.
You Nvidia homepage.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Wotan:

This happens when you do not always follow the current state asked ;-)
Sorry, the graphics cards are part of Adobe programs already mentioned and so extra bringts certainly some advantages synonymous with a compatible graphics card to have.
I'm unfortunately not yet dahintergekommen mach obs NEN difference whether you buy NVIDIA Quadro or ATI Xirgendwas ...
OpenGL 2.0 seems to be the magic word to be ...