Frage von ruth:
I want the following:
- Menu with three points, writing is black
- If not selected, nothing will next be seen
- If selected, still in black writing and a little blue ball / point before the text
I just do not out war. everything is either black or all blue: (
I could be someone has a step-by-step instructions given. 've already had some abgegrast, but somehow I'm probably too stupid for something: (
(most of the tutorials to paint directly on the overlay button. I want him BEFORE the text. already seen umpteen times, savvy 0x)
Thank you
Antwort von BillBo:

Antwort von BillBo:
- If not selected, nothing will next be seen The script and the button but they are already visible, or not?
Antwort von BillBo:
- If not selected, nothing will next be seen
The script and the button but they are already visible, or not? The written before, the button does not work. So practically this:
menu item 1 selected:
o punkt1
page 2 Selected
o punkt2
page 3 Selected
o punkt3
The writing is fixed, as what never changes. The small button in front is either completely visible or completely gone.
The background is not monochromatic, so the button is not easy in this color could stain!
1000 Thanks ever ruth
Antwort von BillBo:

mist, now is the formatting verutscht: (
it should look like:
[code: 1:38 d5840ae5]
o punkt1
o punkt2
o punkt3
[/ code: 1:38 d5840ae5]
Antwort von RiffRaff66:

Hi, just in Photoshop to create the highlight feature (for the mouseover - Activate)
But synonymous in the manual
Antwort von Andreas Jigme:

Hey man, is really quite simple:
Creating round buttons (your "Points"), in Photoshop "invisible" to make, but then in Encore Blue Highlights (Menufarbpalette) .... ie: first with 100% Color your desired color, the second the same color if no change in the third condition is desired, or the second color with 0% opacity ... (same result)
Result: an invisible button in the Select the desired color shows ... really easy, I had been synonymous in some menus ...
Good luck and greetings,
Antwort von ruth:

as far as good, but the problem is that the selected menu item (ie the text s.sich) an overly kriegt synonymous. The choice is green, when we point 1 is selected, I see the point where he should be, but 'point 1' is no longer black but green.
If I just point Declare as a button, I can no longer with the mouse on "punkt1" - "point 3" drive, in order to select corresponding.
I hope I have expressed understandable.
Antwort von alfa:

[code: 1:8 ecd14f405] hope I have expressed understandable. [/ code: 1:8 ecd14f405]
not really
Screenshot charge of the problem
Antwort von Luis1906:

you can the text behind the points not
in a menu format. only the invisible points
form the menu.
gruß cj
Antwort von jerazi:

mark your button with the point, go into Encore in the layer palette, give the point of disappearing is the name (= 1). Delete where appropriate bitmap from the point. Now you can use your colored ball only to see if the corresponding menu item is selected.
Antwort von Apache:

Let's assume that you have read it in Encore (1.5) want to create.
1. you have the three articles on your Menufeld (Articles do not link)
2. you choose from the Biblithek a button, or you do it yourself in Photoshop
3. changing the size as it will appear and use it s.den first text.
4. now make it a button and link the item with the video sequence
5.auf the bottom of Page Menufensters siehst du 3 buttons for sub-images - choose the active button. (the color changes depending on how you've set the Menufarbpalette) Encore describes this as synonymous lights.
5. Choose from the tool bar with the arrow of the fill light (important) and mark the point. Fasse s.and him move him something on the page. There are two points of a larger surrounding new framework, once with the inactive Color and once with the active color. (if you do not know what the color is active, then turn briefly to the normal Unterbidlmodus) active sub-picture mode: delete the colored dot in the normal mode you have seen.
If you are in the menu on the preview of this box is no longer visible, the drive point and subsequently synonymous if you are calling him s.DVD.
7. Now copy the sub-pixel - add it again, re-link it and place it in the other texts.
Give the order yet and that's it
But one should keep in mind - the size should be under the sub-image creation no longer be changed.
Hope it helps you to achieve your goal
Gruß Wolfgang
Antwort von JackJohnson:
you can the text behind the points not
in a menu format. only the invisible points
form the menu.
gruß cj then the menu but I only turn on if I with the mouse on the point. I imagine the way that I am somewhere on the text and then go to the highlight point appears. the text should not change.
sigh, I do not know how I describe it better should / may be. but many thanks in advance for your help:)
Antwort von JackJohnson:

synonymous, I'd like to find a solution, I want that my button sub picture already lit when I think.
Tell me, what is the material on the DVD is at least
nearly so elaborately planned, filmed, edited, converted with the highest quality encoders, like this unfortunate DVDmenu
Antwort von Andreas Jigme:

Ok, now we have understood your problem ...
The score with the invisible is not the problem, which gets you out ... you want but that the touching of the text with the mouse shows that the point ...
The problem is that the points and the text itself can not overlap, ie it must not be two objects s.der same place, or does it? Try it from the text as a layer under the point and put the item in a larger context ( "sensitive area") to have ...
The text must then merged with the background that you can predict it in Photoshop and then use as a background graphic of the text ... Menupukte element must be no more of Encore, not in irgeneinerweise to highlight his economic ... maybe you so ...
And why do you think goes with the score not invisible? The DVD player is anyway, the first point is always visible (default button) and is quasi dannn moves sideways or backwards (in our Menumodell)
good luck, Andreas (fascinating question actually)
Antwort von JackJohnson:

hello again
The problem is that the points and the text itself can not overlap, ie it must not be two objects s.der same place, or does it? Try it from the text as a layer under the point and put the item in a larger context ( "sensitive area") to have ... This is precisely the problem. I can unfortunately not the sensitive area of the button itself separately from the change button. Suppose I have a simple point as the round button (left of the text). If I have the sensitive area on the entire text (which merged with the background is) wants, is from the point laaanggezogenes egg.
I could only help so that I am at the point-plane somewhere on the right Page a 1-pixel-sized point gemalt had - this was synonymous of the sensitive area larger. But whether the solution is .....??
thank you for all the tips, ruth