Frage von framex:
hello, maybe I just get totally on the hose. but I just do not come out.
So with my newly acquired xha1 canon, it is not possible to me in manual mode to a fixed aperture to stand still. it shows me the light in an open panel weitwinkel Q1.6 s.and then as soon as I zoom on an object, changing the aperture, depending on auto lichtverhältnisse Q2.6 to F3.4. I want to hide but when I close synonymous to object ranzoome remains open. zbsp in bad lichtverhälltnissen etc). then it is to me synonymous not possible to hide the ring again aufzumachen, only darker ichs can make.
I'm sorry if I have anyone to waste time because I wanted the wood for the trees do not see. But as I said I do not come out. am grateful for any response.
Antwort von crazy-spy:

The hat was with the relative brightness of an objective to do so.
This is composed of the elements of the Focal relative to the opening.
In short, simplified and abbreviated form: The relative intensity is higher, the lower the focal. The figures are synonymous in front of the lens (1:1,6 example, the smaller the factor behind the colon, the greater is the light Optics).
This is justified your "problem" that a long focal relative brightness decreases.
Is normal!
Antwort von framex:
The hat was with the relative brightness of an objective to do so.
This is composed of the elements of the Focal relative to the opening.
In short, simplified and abbreviated form: The relative intensity is higher, the lower the focal. The figures are synonymous in front of the lens (1:1,6 example, the smaller the factor behind the colon, the greater is the light Optics).
This is justified your "problem" that a long focal relative brightness decreases.
Is normal! thank crazy spy,
So does that mean the hide is still totally open synonymous when it comes to me a larger aperture (smaller opening) displays.
I've been with some other cameras rotated and remained as the aperture value is. many greet and thank
Antwort von Bernd E.:

What Basti very nicely said, you can find documented by a glance at the specifications of your lens: there is light "1:1,6 - 3.5". This, you can notice how the largest available aperture settings, depending on the focal length changes.