Frage von didah:
hi people!
I'd ask .... da mal ne and although I want a snowboard video for www.filmup.s.produzieren, but because I would need another camera to ... it still makes sense to buy a canon xl1?? I mean, is already quite old, but at that time was an absolute angle models ... have unfortunately not as much carbon (which can be interpreted more than 1400 ¬), therefore the question? " new middle class model (eg panasonic gs400) or some old lace (xl1)?? thank you in advance!
Antwort von deepcode:

XL1 is recommended IMO not really - relatively low resolution, not a very good picture and I believe synonymous only interlaced, not to mention possibly worn heads and not a guarantee ..
The Sony HC1 might be quite good for you, interlaced, but at least HDV resolution, lightweight.
Antwort von ajschoyerer:

So I have to sell a XL1 to ...
still interested? mail me: