Frage von kriii:
in the hopeful yet to find a solution I have still decided to post ..
I try now the tag 2.ten my sony trv30 to capture to, or, as my pc .. and the skin is still not out.
hab winxp with sp3.
For me the obvious solution, the old winxp drivers to reinstall unfortunately brings no success.
've read somewhere that the new windows drivers immediately nachinstalliert .. no idea whether this is true, capture funktierniert not in any instance.
hab premiere cs3, you can control the camera synonymous, but no preview and no capuren.
've been a long time on this computer nix more captured, sooner has the wonderfully hingehauen, now sadly no more.
've tried everything possible, unfortunately not helped anything.
the camera is properly recognized by the system, capturing with Windows Movie Maker haut incidentally not synonymous out krieg ich ne fehlermeldung false hardware class or something.
maybe yes but still knows someone rat, I've already thought of an old pc to obtain and only winxp without the sps up and stop only to restore the use ... is already holding seeeeeehr tedious!
maybe yes but still knows someone rat on me,
that could still save the day ..
thanks to you!
lg ... kriii
Antwort von unodostres:

try to make what could be:
- The latest chipset drivers from the internet pick
- Install this
If this fails:
- Complete Reinstallation
- Then restore the latest chipset drivers.
Look in Device Manager
whether the person concerned with an exclamation mark device O.ö. stands.
If so, it is a driver problem. But it should be current with drivers to get a grip.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Were there not times synonymous capture probelme because SP3?
Antwort von kriii:

thanks you for the reply.
drivers are all s.letzten stood.
as far as I know is the problem, which apparently some people have
s.den windows firewire drivers s.sp 2nd
synonymous've already tried the old drivers to reinstall.
skin but not out, because apparently the windows background immediately
again the current drivers drüberkopiert ..
I must say, my computer has been a couple of years s.buckel,
approximately 5.
have the following motherboard, only for info:
lg .... kriii