Newsmeldung von slashCAM:clip channel: Trailer: Exit Through The Gift Shop - 16 Oct 2010 09:10:00 zum Bild Am 21.10. kommt das erste "Street Art Disaster Movie" in die Kinos. Wir hatten auf der diesjährigen Berlinale schon das Vergnügen, uns of diesem Film (der ebenso ein Gesamtkunstwerk, oder ein Hoax sein könnte) verwirren zu lassen. Zitat Bansky: Is this a joke, and on whom is it? -- Mehr dazu in unserer
Film Review ,
Check out the video on slashCAM
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes I'm waiting synonymous has been a while - I find synonymous containing the work of Bansky really cool ;-)
I'll go but let's not hard to understand from this that for quite a lot of people probably will let the movie watching the.
Most people are so synonymous to those images and Books not clear.
I now fully collectible in years a lot from the "street art" and even many of my truly "open-minded friends and acquaintances" can start with this "works" nothing. ;-(
My dad has been right when he says "You should move as young and drag somewhere where it just as much crazy (Spinner) like you are." ;-))
I can yes I understand my Hunsrück is not exactly a hotbed of art ;-)
B. DeKid