Frage von billy336:
Antwort von HD-MAX:

? hab ich ja noch nie gehört. That can really only s.Player (recruitment) are.
Antwort von billy336:

it might be sit uwahrscheinlich but, as he normally purchase DVD movies play smoothly. Unfortunately I have no 2nd player to the test. white rat someone?
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:

n overflow can be synonymous. what bitrate is your film? what format? mpeg2?
Antwort von billy336:

ie the bitrate of 4039kbps films lies in the format is mpeg2, yes. I should vleicht another burning software, select? Bie my (ashampoo burning studio) is minimal with 4x speed burn. Vleicht I can at another down to 1x or so go. What could help?
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:
ie the bitrate of 4039kbps films lies in the format is mpeg2, yes. I should vleicht another burning software, select? Bie my (ashampoo burning studio) is minimal with 4x speed burn. Vleicht I can at another down to 1x or so go. What could help? nee, s.burn is definitely not. what is the n for n dvd player? something special?
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:

Moment times: you have a real movie dvd inserted, or the data only as a mpeg-dvd burned?
Antwort von billy336:

So does the dvd player cyber home CHDVD 452 with mediatek chipset. yes I have a proper burn dvd with menu and all drum and turn. the film is in mpeg the sound is lmpc format.
on my pc is running beautifully with the film a dvd-player software on my player but s.fernseher imemr just so slow and hesitant ...
Antwort von Carl Bernhard:
So does the dvd player cyber home CHDVD 452 with mediatek chipset. yes I have a proper burn dvd with menu and all drum and turn. the film is in mpeg the sound is lmpc format.
on my pc is running beautifully with the film a dvd-player software on my player but s.fernseher imemr just so slow and hesitant ... quick google asked: + jerky + cybermonitor home +452 & btnG = Search & meta =
otherwise I know not synonymous next ...
Antwort von billy336:

Tomorrow is my sister with a player, then I will be free dvd synonymous to see obs s.player or is it anna dvd. Otherwise, I might NEN sony blank test.
Antwort von Markus:

Problems like these can be very different (synonymous) as causes.
See here:
DVD burn
Antwort von billy336:

ok now I've seen something important, which I previously had absolutely overlooked. My video has a bitrate of approximately 4,600, but the corresponding sound has a bitrate of of synonymous again about 4300 so this brings the total to just over 8900kbps video. The player grabs my course, not more. But how can I change the bitrate of my souondfiles down? does that work in dvdlab? I need that when you render it? There is a program that can decrease bitrate offers sound files?
ok the problem with the slow play has been done. The sound files had a quality of over 4000kb / s which is of course much too large ware than that it could pack up my player. In total I have now done with the film soundtrack to below 8000kb / s to keep my playedr what is now synonymous with no problems playing ...
Antwort von Markus:
There is a program that can decrease bitrate offers sound files? If the audio files (with more than 48 kHz sampling rate?) Are available separately, it can be for example done with Adobe Audition: Import Audio> F11> sampling rate set to 48 kHz with 16 bit stereo. Or it is surround sound?