Frage von walter cohrs:
We currently still have an analog receiver sat with head
enough for 12 programs
I would like to digital satellite (DVB S) switch, if possible - and the
is a cost issue - possibly via PC with diveren programs.
digital headend stations are too expensive.
My question is: can I various free Astra Programs and simultaneously receive them with the appropriate one for TV signals to pass?
I do not want every room to make a receiver!
For help, I would be grateful
Antwort von beiti:

To change the receiver if you will not get round. This is the medium for satellite, cable and terrestrial alike. It applies even if you have a digital head-end uses, because there again synonymous digital signals (it only needs s.anderen the end instead of a DVB-S Receiver DVB-C receiver).
Überleg times: How do you want digital image quality all the way to receive HDTV if you put the first signals back to analog cable channels implement? This is a shame to the good DVB-S. The current analog cable TV is sometimes produced, and the owners of large flat panel displays often lament about the poor picture quality. DVB-S as a source brings little advantage over analogue satellite, if the digital chain is not up to the receiver will keep up. So you can immediately at the current solution will remain.
DVB-S to implement a similar method, which, if still in hospitals and old people is practiced, where only a limited quality signals and Programs in limited numbers needed (eg for small television directly s.den hospital beds). Everywhere else you should fully digital medium can receive.
So you need s.jedem receiving device has a digital tuner. Whether you'll Television with integrated receiver DVB-S/-C/-T buy parts, or if you use external receiver, is ultimately a question of price and equipment selection.
Now it seems so in your house to be that only an old-fashioned wiring in tree structure. This makes upgrading to DVB-S difficult, as they should have a star structure (ie multi-switches from each receiver to a separate cable). The stellar structure is not subsequently produce a significant installation effort, especially for 40 participants (if at all ranges, for example, a twin-receiver counts as 2 participants).
Would be possible to use a Einkabellösung (smart GP-31D or similar) or a simple distribution of the horizontal high band (where most are German channel), both versions are limited, however, the channel selection.
Then there is the digital head-end ...
To summarize, you have the following four ways:
1) installation of a digital head-end. In contrast to the analog head-end will not separate transmitter implemented, but full transponder of DVB-S to DVB-C converted. In this sense, digital headends less expensive than analog, because one of about 40 German broadcaster then only 5 or 6 channels implement. Expensive it is, if one synonymous exotic Channel wants to add that quite heavily on several transponders are versteut. Because of the expense increases exponentially, and it is in any other module, the question of profitability. Which transmitter channels are on together, you can find the way,
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es here. hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es 3) only the horizontal distribution of high bands. Is quasi-cheap version of a Einkabellösung with a little less channels. It can only be the channel (as per
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es above Lyngsat linked list) will receive, their frequency is above 11.7 GHz and which are horizontally polarized (SH visible behind the frequency). Since all channels of Sat1/Pro7, RTL, ARD and ZDF are at this level, the choice is not too small. But others, such
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es as the regional channel, MTV, Viva, etc. are just not there.
4) Conversion of TV distribution to star structure, that of a central point (where the multi switch is mounted) per 1 cable to each receiver. Per residential unit plans to present 3 a.m.
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es to 4 p.m.
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es cable. Only this can be connected all the receivers receive Astra Programs. Moreover, synonymous then later upgrades easier to implement, for
hier2) Einbau einer digitalen Einkabellösung. Hier werden nicht alle Transponder übertragen, aber doch die meisten. Die passende Liste gibt es example, when individual members still want to receive satellite positions. No. 4 is the royal road.
In case 1, DVB-C receiver asked, and the existing antenna doses may be weiterbenutzt. In the cases 2-4 doses must be special antenna with 1 or 2 satellite connections to be retrofitted. In case 2 and 3 must also vo