Frage von escooter:
I am looking for a small cam with slot in order to take small interviews.
Mini DV to me now is unnecessarily complicated, I will immediately take up digital, it should also be taken back to either one or the other party, either the interviewer or the other, the promise synonymous times, I will be able to go to stop, to can
record next to last s.der correct adjustments, so that the interview is s.ende fix and finish on the sd card without me
correct something in between or later cut, must.
All digicams have this feature now?
2,5 years ago I was found only in small aiptek.
Who offers what today?
Price range up to 500 ¬.
Antwort von Pianist:

Your approach will not work because you do not have accurate first fix gates and secondly because the jumps Picture s.den intersections. Your idea would work only on radio. Interviews have always somehow be finished, and how the design exactly as there are many variations. Even if you subsequently rausschneidest the slips, jumps the Picture s.den intersections. So you have to think of the beginning, how you handle it. Either you cut only short passages in your film, or you have the opportunity to show the questioner to time in the reverse shot, or there are other neutral insert. Depending on the topic, situation and suitability of the interviewee, it is synonymous possible, the crucial passage that you just have to want to turn several times until it is error-free and with a clear message.
By the way: Mini-DV is digital, if not synonymous tapeless.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Au Backe, poor, poor interviewee!
You expect so seriously that you BEFORE the camera (and there will indeed finally the place for which you have the Camera've ever been on) can make a reasonably appealing performance, if you've interrupted him for the umpteenth time in mid-sentence: " Uh, brief moment, please, because you had a bad slip of the tongue! Please remember just what they wanted to tell you yet, while I was on my Fummelklampfe times just looking for the moment when you were still clean in the text, so please have a veeery course , loose and in the same tone to '... and then the children's bodies were mired in the mud, eh, ähmmm, no, buried after they had been cut off limbs ...' intend to employ in 'children's bodies' please, ok? nice, thank you very much! "? * Broad smile * winning director
The best movie actor can (in part) and hence work reporduzierbare performances of a (einstudierten!) bring the text. But even with these very professional, is in intensive scenes, if this should go wrong, simply left the camera running and the actors repeat the piece went wrong. The same is synonymous only partially do to manage an amateur interviewee, who still gives a lecture off the cuff, is pure wishful thinking!
So, in-camera editing is really pure amateurism! Or what it is exactly for a reason that you have before the finish "edited" work after the last date of pressing the record button ready for duty have?
Forget this approach, take everything (is MiniDV or memory card no preference) to normal, sit down, given your material and select what works. Consider the tips of the previous speaker already on the set and mount a respectable interview!