Frage von Iviii:
hello everybody!
of the convert. vob to divx divx converter with the all at once I get the error message: mpeg1 audio codec missing
no idea what that is at once, synonymous've already gegoogelt and herumgesucht but found nothing.
I hope someone can help me, because I'm already really desperate, because I find no solution.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, because I use xvid, I know your tool is not closer, but because it is usually the sound is converted to MP3, I would suspect the fault here. Look in Device Manager under Audio - Video - Gamecontoller -> Audio Codecs-> Properties if the Frauenhofer MPEG Layer 3 codec is listed. If so, right click-> Properties: use = yes, priority = (at least) 10
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von torti3005:

thanks for the tip, to have seen, I can set the priority of 9 (is set for me) does not change every time ichs later point, it jumps when I nachsehe then back again at 9.
I have previously used synonymous xvid, but after my system neuaufsetzen gings no longer correct, the qualli was at once forgotten.
no idea, something I've pretty well since vermurkst.
now looks as if both are not really radio.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Just try the Frauenhofer de-/neu codec to install. And try, if your program works with Lame. Read about this:
Greetings from Marburg