Frage von mann:
hey folks, thanks in advance for your sympathy s.meinen me deeply moving problems.
am a novice, self-taught and have beautiful illusions. still moves me the following question: in what format do I create a broadcast s.besten doku (contemporary history, political issues) with my sony dsr 200 - normal 4:3, abgekascht = letterbox when cut or with the 16:9 mode of the sony?
(abgekascht is probably quite a synonymous restrictions on bildaufbau, but that's hardly the film has taken into account according to how much is abgekascht again later?)
the question I am interested mainly in relation to how many viewers the film you can see perfectly. user as a normal 4:3-tubes-tv immeasurably annoyed me that I am of 16:9-contributions in fact only half can be seen as right and left truncated.
and subtitles anyway ...
how do because 16:9-goggle sent a 4:3 film, which will be zoomed to full? accordingly distorted?
Is 16:9-anamorphic recording with the sony dsr 200 in the end of much poorer quality than a aufgezoomte 4:3?
I know of no statistics how many people already goggle with 16:9 and 4:3 with the number still - my doku, if successful, of course, as many viewers optimally achieve.
(another circuit kommentar: TV in the high-tech age = a distorted consider it, the other not full, and the majority can no longer content to follow ....)
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

So we have a 16:9 flat and see all 4:3 broadcasts in 16:9, does not bother me personally, 16:9 tubes on the way, is only normal truncated as synonymous with 4:3 (That is why there is synonymous with cutting programs, the function "Secure Borders" on tube TVs so that no text is so that you only see half), the 16:9 picture is reduced, so synonymous black bars above and below.
Basically, I give you 16:9 recommend that you screen to win the Page (Disadvantage: Tubes TV owners see it either distorted or reduced) also increases the number of flat screen holder and currently, you are so synonymous with 16:9 for the future well advice. 4:3 For thou hast no advantage but the disadvantage that either the 16:9 television lines (I could not, others might already have) or you are on the pages have black edges.
If you stop, but still hear other opinions.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Say something like this: countless productions - such broadcasts universe - are now only rotated in 16:9 and 16:9 as synonymous broadcast.
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I see me 4:3 on the LCD with stripes on. When you zoom, I have always felt the true image design front and rear no more.
Where do you want to run the documentary? 16:9 I would turn, but as I said at the stations, there are still many differences.
Antwort von Pianist:
Where do you want to run the documentary? Nice that someone finally the only vital question. The guidelines, which technique to use is, of course, come from the client stations. I can not, however, imagine that the images of a DSR-200 be accepted, except of small regional stations.
The Ursprungsfrager should please take note that in Germany a large number of underemployed filmmakers there, which is also in their environment through decent Digibeta camcorder available, and their various ideas more or less unsuccessfully broadcasters offer. There must be a newcomer with a DVCAM the back reflection.
Sorry, but occasionally need a small adjustment to reality. The question on the aspect ratio is rather a secondary problem.
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As they say,
The latest will be the first to ...
Antwort von mdb:
The guidelines, which technique to use is, of course, come from the client stations. The WDR is s.2008 only send 16:9
Antwort von mann:

I can not, however, imagine that the images of a DSR-200 be accepted, except of small regional stations.
The Ursprungsfrager should please take note that in Germany a large number of underemployed filmmakers there, which is also in their environment through decent Digibeta camcorder available, and their various ideas more or less unsuccessfully broadcasters offer. There must be a newcomer with a DVCAM the back reflection.
Matthias Of course I see myself s.ende the queue; (btw thanks for the contributions of "guest" = "the last will be the first to "....).
ultimately, my money is on quality, I mean not only the cinematic and technical implementation, the topic itself synonymous (investigative journalists from other European countries). murdering a really interesting story.
I finished spinning the doku and then clean the clinker. it will send someone, I'm optimistic. I also make the next document in view, synonymous europ. ausland, nor a knocker. bodygards s.set would be better. there they kept the hammer theme. (Perhaps it was for Phoenix?) and if it wants to have None? then translated and offered in other European countries.
is the 16:9 mode of dsr 200 (on a 16:9 tv) qualitatively worse than 4:3 to 4:3 tv?
Antwort von Markus:
I can not, however, imagine that the images of a DSR-200 will be accepted ... The specifications of the sender to write a lot, so the transmitter outwardly look good, but paper is known to be patient. Thus, contributions at ZDF (because white ichs with security) sometimes synonymous to MiniDV rotated (for concretisation on Sony premium, the most controversial MiniDV tapes).
And in case of doubt, the supplier's contribution to DigiBeta umkopieren, so it takes the transmitter. That was in the past been synonymous Gang and Might. If the material is not overly critical and at least equivalent to the content / design professional demands, and then recognize (almost) no difference - the ultimate consumer benefit in a low-bandwidth compressed grainy television anyway.
is the 16:9 mode of dsr 200 (on a 16:9 tv) qualitatively worse than 4:3 to 4:3 tv? I do not know with certainty, but I suppose s.ja. Possibly. synonymous You could use an anamorphic to ResolutionDeiner Camera usual in scope to use.