Frage von Der Dude:
Hi there,
So .. I have a minor problem when I most recently completed projects to play off of the Velocity and try to either DPS or sound alone. The film, he makes me even more, but he bleats in sound with the error "format not Ourput supportet" and in the "uncompressed PCM" WAVs. sogesehen I would have no preference, but yes to the Masters on BetaMAZ DV and DV out via Softcrash he renders through everything, why do I ned, and then complaining when it comes s.den Ton .. one of you knows the problem?
The Dude
Antwort von Der Dude:

Hi there,
I work with the dpsVelocity and I have since some days a little problems, ned to hire, I'm the only one here who is working on the system and has ever had similar problems.
At present, the main problem is that if I want to make a larger file than dva-run out of file to create a virtual AVI or to get the sound to a track so that I can auspielen with SoftCrash the Project to DV DV out, always the same problem. He bleats during sound (16-bit, 48kHz, stereo) always "Unsupportet Output Format" while I will yes ned as AC3 or let it run out, but as a very measly uncompressed linear PCM Wav. If you have any idea what it is .. let me know. Furthermore, he begins again see at render, especially with things that he normally makes in real time.
The Dude