Frage von jackshirt:
hi people
I had cut what in premiere pro, which I then exported as avi dv (yes is synonymous not really different).
Now I want the whole thing in sonic scenarist authors, but "understands" no sonic scnearist dv avi's. had the whole time with nem tool to VOB umkonvertiert, but it always tells me sonic scenarist 1 file (s) rejected.
've peeped once synonymous in the aid, and in fact equivalent to the vob requirements. I want scnearist times schätzet sonic mpeg / MPEG files 2, and no vob's? so machts certainly the impression.
I now the war in a scnearist dv avi format with the sonic has no problems?
schonmal many thanks in advance:)
ps: here have the search angeschmissen synonymous, but could find no direct aid. If I missed was: sorry.
Antwort von Markus:

You have the Manual of Scenarist clearly not read. It says which file formats can be imported ... ;-)
Antwort von schwenkerfilm:

anyway anschienend you can only convert mpeg 1 and MPEG 2nd
just as I get my avi to dv format it?
Antwort von schwenkerfilm:

I meant, of course, import mpeg1 and mpeg2. sorry. vonner grad party came back and am a bit tired;)
das ding is synonymous nich I'm much ahnung, and make the whole interior beinern friendly company. I therefore synonymous nich so direct access to manual or help. may be because people synonymous nich ask because since all are busy.
Thus, the authors would simply geschntite avi dv, ie to make ner dvd.
With Konvertor what I get all this "sonic scenarist" friendly?
Antwort von Markus:
... and do that whole intra beinern friendly company. I therefore synonymous nich so direct access to manual or help. ... Press F1 ...
With Konvertor what I get all this "sonic scenarist" friendly? Possible software see for example,
Avi, Mpeg auf DVD burn die 1000'eMPEG2 conversion: Gehts not better?