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Good day.
I have the following problem. I have the video signal with a video camera to a PC record. This is the s-video signal with a DAC-200 digital, via firewire into the PC cleverly.
With Movie Maker works the record easily, but I like the program does not. That's why I've tried VirtualDub. However VirtualDub works with nothing: no preview, no recording, nothing. Under "video source" nothing is displayed. However, I have two (standard?) Drivers of win xp, which I call "connect" can.
Has anyone ne idea what it could?
I am completely baffled. It is probably pretty trivial, but I still do not know next.
Thanks for any tip.
Antwort von Martin Dienert:

VirtualDub can not be of the Firewire interface record. It seems to me the VirtualDub to the old VfW interface up and there's no Firewire.
As a freeware alternative I would recommend WinDV.
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thanks for the reply.
I see, I probably still do not understand everything. According to wikipedia says: "VirtualDub supports capture from DV type 2 (VfW) FireWire controllers only (capture will not work with Type 1).." However, I read somewhere, firewire is firewire, and type1 or type 2 chooses the recording program.
So is there but different protocols - for dv over firewire? Or is it quite different?
That this Typ1/Typ2 history plays a role, I had already suspected. Only I understood that was not.
Maybe I can still get n Tip?
Thank you
Antwort von Martin Dienert:

"VirtualDub supports capture from DV type 2 (VfW) FireWire controllers only (capture will not work with Type 1)." If there is any way it must go well. Good that I have is Peace
"remind me to believe." ;-)
Antwort von Gast 0815:

To capture with Vdub look here:
For the DV-Avi Types:
Use better already recommended free WinDV (; manual camera control during the capture is not really comfortable, and a subsequent processing then yes you can still carry iproblemlos n Vdub.
Greetings from Marburg
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Hmm. interesting, all of that. That with the difference between Type 1 and 2, I had understood. I think it is, therefore, that the converter box 'n sends signal type1, type2 Virtualdub but can capture. Or something like that. All the proposals with the BT ... drivers, WinDV and scenalyzer work, however, not synonymous.
The only thing that reliably captured, the windows movie maker.
I am so not synonymous to stiffen VirtualDub. I # n such easy capture via the firewire recording, and sent me a live preview image there. Large enough that this focus can be assessed. And it takes n button "Now recording." Freeware wär cool, because I need it immediately, but in the next few weeks is not an 'm passing Laden. So if someone has Voorschlag n ...
Thank you so far.
Antwort von Markus:
All the proposals with the BT ... drivers, WinDV and scenalyzer work, however, not synonymous. That is surprising. Just so unbelastende tools like WinDV Your request should be really good meet.
You did not accidentally nor a video editing program to open or something like that? One can not easily be synonymous multiple start Capture Tools.
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moin markus
That is surprising. Just so unbelastende tools like WinDV Your request should be really good meet. Gelle? Can well be that the converter any strange things that the firewire card is stupid in place or not any drivers or not funzen.
You did not accidentally nor a video editing program to open or something like that? One can not easily be synonymous multiple start Capture Tools. Nee. Synonymous was my first idea, but was not so. Even the Movie Maker hangs sometimes. If I deduct the Firewire, and re-contamination, ie quasi-reset, then it goes again.
Anagenommen I had the symptoms for two quite well-known programs to help the cause to track. Naja.
My workaround now looks like this. I capture with Ulead Movie Studio .. 6 I think. Has the advantage that I have a fairly large preview image can be used. And then compress the received AVI movie maker in a handy format. Ulead is somehow strange because at at.
Is not optimal, and I still like to know what the problem with VirtualDub is because the program s.sich very nice. Captured just not.
Hmm. Nts what ideas?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

in your 1st Contribution you write something of 2 device drivers. Windows XP brings out of home but actually only a standard driver for DV equipment with. So review times in the device manager, what exactly have on your system herumgeistert. Could be that as WinDV the wrong driver snaps and therefore to the problems.
But no preference what you always synonymous recordings on your PC get Virtualdub you can so you do want, of course, still use, opening and processing of DV Avidateien there is no problem.
What did you do about the compression front, wmv via Virtualdub does not.
Greetings from Marburg