Frage von surge:Please
help ... in the above-mentioned problem ..
I have tried many programs ... s.firewire cable may well not be synonymous, as I've already bought the third ... the only official what does the tax reform over the PC ... the recording is
no visual shown as a preview ... And nothing will aufgenohmen synonymous.
Antwort von GhostDog:
when should you miss any
specified .... please bescheid say .... just start with the filming s.and have not so much as most people here ahnung cam .... the Modeler is
GR-D72U ...
would be very grateful Feur a tip
gruss surge
Antwort von Markus:
If you get no response, it can very simple reasons: Either no one has an idea or the same subject has been dealt with x-times and potential solutions are easily found via the search function.
I have a feeling, dip it in recent times become increasingly reliant on contributions in which camcorders have problems with the Firewire interface. Whether that is) the bad influence of Miniweich (= Microsoft? Indeed, their want to know, the USB port (which is not really suitable for video transmission to enforce) in the consumer video applications.
Use the search function time with the search term "Firewire not working". There are numerous possibilities, what could be the reason. One example deals with the operating system (Win XP, SP2), another longer look at the quality of the firewire cable ...
Finally, a generally interesting link:
FireWire FAQ">S.PC Connect your camcorder and capture images
Antwort von GhostDog:
everything that is recommended in this forum I have ausproboert ...
firewire-install XP update
knows one another spoon
or a better forum where one will be helped?
greeting and thanks in advance ... surge
Antwort von Markus:
Who recommended in such a case, then, to install the DivX? kopfschüttel * * - Look in the
DHR-1000VC läuft nichtpost-capture problems with Panasonic NV-GS17, whether the synonymous could be a solution to your problem.