Frage von fcefan:Hi, maybe someone knows of with dvdlab and can help me ...
I am creating a menu where the submenus on the left and to the files if they are marked, especially will be presented.
Other words: If the DVD player is, I see the menu. Now, when we say a link "Chapter 1" is marked and this is then he should, for example with an arrow before marked. So this:
-> Chapter 1 (This link is actually marked)
Chapter 2 (this is not)
.. and then next ... Now if I would go down to the link "Chapter 2", then stop before Chapter 2, the arrow will be displayed ....
Hope you understand what I mean and you can help me ...
Thanks in advance
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Look in the help function of DVDlab. There are several synonymous tutorials on their website.
Your image is one with the link in the menu. You you can from within the templates of DVDlab there raussuchen. This arrow is synonymous then the button to the left.
After the placement of the arrow before your text, you choose from the arrow. Menufenster are right in the various "tabs". On one of them will give you the option of your button to be characterized as follows: normal visible, normally invisible, select Invisible, always invisible (or something similar, did not DVDlab before me). Choose "normal invisible." This means that the button is only visible when it is selected or is clicked. Procedure with the other buttons as well.
And you pull the help and the tutorials are pure.