Frage von DezorianGuy:
Did this text is posted in the wrong forum (postproduktion).
That's why I make it properly here now ^ ^
"I wanted to buy some gifts, and my inventory is equal s.hochwertigen up materials and accessories.
My question:
What do I need for my green screen work?
Green Screen, various lights, Softmap ...
What I mean is not green-screen surface (50 euros, was a tip of you) and 2 Fluterlampen (on a pole + Tripod / stand), which is very hot, but synonymous extremely strong light-submit (as green space is ne in direct spotlight directly whitish ^ ^).
Lights for the lighting of the green background (times had only one lamp, which had not been quite as shadows had formed, which was later no longer simply could rauseditieren. Then times NEN construction floodlights, the green is too bright (whitish) made.
Then there are so film-like, reflective glass, the light (as Softmaps) soft stop them.
What do I need so all of this? I buy this exclusively of (USA) because I was there because of the abolition of customs duties (but not the tax) may be cheaper to buy (because I'm a student, not much money is available). Are some bundles and offers on, but I do not really now what you are worth money, and how many lights I need, and what ...
Had super, so if you give me some lights (head lamps, side lamps, Aufhelllicht, etc), synonymous for filming outside the Green Screen / Keying qualitatively high-verwendetbar are.
Had great if you give me some offers of could mention (in case you jump certainly good offers directly into the eye). ^ ^
Thank you very much synonymous for the previous answers over the years,
Beautiful Christmas wishes you
PS: Up to 300 euros for a complete set would be my maximum. :) "
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Times quite abstract:
You need an area lighting to the green background and equally schattenrfei auszuleuchten. You can be quite the lamps with entsprechnden provide green color foils. It will give people synonymous with the background with a simple (possibly colored) Leuchstoffröhren illuminate.
The motif in the foreground normally illuminate. It should be quite helpful in the design of the rear with the complementary color of the background (in the case of Lila Green) anzuleuchten order to reduce the spill.
Between the foreground subject and background as much green space let.
Should we now provide a material list?
Antwort von joey23:

For 300 ¬ you will get nothing nearly synonymous only professionally lit. What you build yourself.
Antwort von DezorianGuy:

Thought it would be because some lights that you could call me directly.
I miss it here s.sämtlicher Lighting ... and before I get me wrong what times I wanted to ask.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Lichtmäßig here was:
Ebay (PhD clippers professional photo shop)
There where 2 lights with umbrellas,
the best thing I could find.
Green Screen "green substance" is the
Discount/1Euro-Laden extremely
little money to buy.
All together: Luminaires and
a wall wide Green Screen
comes to approximately 300th
Antwort von bArtMan:

Og Lichtset I have a very favorable first anden. I use it only in the area for photo portraits. We must with the Funzeln ran quite close to a uniform illumination to obtain. For video, these lamps more suitable for stage lighting, but not uniformly planar illumination.
Advantage of the lamps do not get hot and can also be used to daylight.
Antwort von jokas:

I would like to synonymous in the theme green screen shots off.
but not yet understand how the lamps for the background and the object should be positioned s.besten,
gibts da somewhere a sketch and a few possible examples?
besides, I still need lamps that I own if necessary to optimize operational would. because someone has a buy recommendation for me?
perhaps because there are already proven and building shopping lists, which have proved their worth - but so far nothing was found complete.