Frage von Cyrano:
I think just to buy the panasonic 151 zu, because the P2 cards the 171 is very expensive ...
counts of calculation AHCHD files premiere at once, so I have to wait only s.Anfang and cut it in normal or fast approaching, he handled the whole section over with the crippling highly compressed AVCHD files, so that it becomes a torment?
someone has to experience?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

AVCHD is used directly without intermediate codec. In real-time effects, but you have to forgo, compared to HDV.
For previews will be MPEG2 (I-frame based) use.
Antwort von Jörg:
Previews are for HD MPEG2 (I-frame based telephony). You have time for ne source?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

The show premiere in the sequence settings.
Antwort von Wiro:

In fact, the CS4 AVCHD stores Render as 26Mbit MPEG2 files.
Of interest is the analysis of such a render file in Gspot and MediaInfo.
Gspot says that it is NOT a I-frame only, but a 3 Series-GOP IPP.
MediaInfo says that it is in spite of 25 fps for the NTSC standard.
(Head scratch)
Greeting Wiro